It's incredible.
And what's funnier is I guarantee the dims are going to try to classify this as a "stunt" and predict more business owners will try to pull their own in order to close their doors with the goal of generating donation revenue.
Except they won't. Any shop owner following this story is able to see the negative reaction from giving their honest opinion on the matter, so they aren't going to give this Marino bitch (or any other shitheaded news agency) the time of day if she comes knocking. Expect a lot of "no comments" on the matter.
Dims tried to get this place closed...and if it stays that way, at least this family will have a nice severance to either retire or start another business somewhere else. And no other business will take the risk of putting themselves in this kind of position. In other words, this could not have worked out any worse for progressives. They're seeing a major backlash towards their Nazi agenda...and while they try the Alinksy tactic of mocking the donations by labeling it a "scam"...they're clearly outraged and unhinged when they see how much of America is supporting/donating to Memories while telling the Left to get fucked.
Way to go, dims!