Media Matters - maybe they should clean up their own house first


New member
Jan 9, 2009
I posted above a series of articles from The Daily Caller concerning Media Matters. It is all there in black and white. Yes the phantom Fox witch hunters who spoke directly with the WH on a weekly basis. Yes this is a blockbuster story and again not carried by the lame stream media for obvious reasons and connections and still not countered by our liberal friends on the forum. How do you justify this, how can you defend fascist behavior. This is everything that is wrong with this country and yes it comes from the far left, duh. Brock is a joke and he was their chosen one, you have to think about that one. Yep, probably all Bush's fault. The dots again connect all the way to the WH and George Soros, a guy I began preaching about back in 2009. So if you are a die hard liberal who is into ultimate denial I guess you can either ignore or condone Media Matters and everything it's tentacles touch. Personally, this does not surprise me although I am surprised that Carlson took the time and effort to put that puzzle together. Lib extremists are so aloof I am sure they never saw this coming and as for Brock, he probably will need another "quiet room" to sort out his disjointed thoughts. Stinks to high heaven. Shame on the lame stream media and anyone who supports them and the way they pick and choose their stories. This story and Solyndra alone are enough to expose the Dem's for what they are really all about.

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Jan 9, 2009
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+2]American Bridge 21st Century[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+2] [/SIZE][/FONT] [website | facebook]


[SIZE=-2](page updated September 1, 2011)[/SIZE]

"super PAC" formed Nov. 23, 2011 [FEC] and 501(c)(4)
"American Bridge 21st Century is a progressive research and communications organization committed to holding Republicans accountable for their words and actions and helping you ascertain when Republican candidates are pretending to be something they’re not."
Founder David Brock
Founder (May 2004) and CEO of Media Matters for America. Renounced conservative ties in 1997 (Esquire "Confessions of a Right-Wing Hit Man"). Investigative writer for The American Spectator. Editorial page editor at the Washington Times. Writer and senior editor at Insight magazine. B.A. in history from UC Berkeley, 1985. Author of five books.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Oh the irony. It is well worth while to dig into the biography of David Brock. The fact that he wrote "Blinded by the Right" and was in the end "blind sided by the right" is pure irony, karma. It is really sad in the fact that this guy is an obvious looney and that the left made him their chosen one to bring down Murdock and Fox News. He never saw it coming and the guy who used to say he was a "Right Wing Hit Man" wound up in the bullseye. They just can't help themselves, extreme liberals have tunnel vision, they are on a mission. The irony is Tucker Carlson was on a mission also and he did in a very short time what Media Matters and Brock were unable to do, expose an organization for what it really is. Thank you Tucker Carlson.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Media Matters reaps millions from liberal groups

Published February 17, 2012
  • soros_george_110311.jpg

    Nov. 3, 2011: George Soros smiles before a speech at the Central European University in Budapest.
[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Media [COLOR=blue !important]Matters
[/COLOR][/COLOR] has raised millions of dollars from major liberal foundations since its inception, benefiting from heavyweight organizations like the Tides Foundation and George Soros ' Open Society Institute.
A report Friday in The Daily Caller detailed the sources of about $29 million in Media Matters donations dating back to 2003. Though much of the group's finances are secret, the $29 million represents more than half of Media Matters' total funding in that time.
[COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]The [COLOR=blue !important]liberal[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] Tides Foundation accounted for $4.38 million of the sum. According to the Caller, more than half of that contribution was in place before the Media Matters launch in 2004. The Open Society Institute also donated more than $1 million, in installments over three years.
Funding for the liberal media [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]advocacy [COLOR=blue !important]group[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] comes from dozens of other organizations. Among them, according to the report, are the anti-war, the Barbra Streisand Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the Joyce Foundation. President Obama sat on the board of the latter until 2002.
According to the Caller, Media Matters has received nearly $1 million from the Ford Foundation since 2010 -- even though the group reportedly was planning to run an ad against Ford as part of its campaign against Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs when he was with CNN, because Ford was advertising on his show.
Though Media Matters does not report its donors, the information in the article came from the records of some of the foundations that donated to them.

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New member
Jan 9, 2009
Thought I would wrap this thread up. Media Matters got caught red handed doing something underhanded under the eager and reckless leadership of a republican turncoat whose only claim to fame was jumping ship. It should have been obvious that someone who jumps ship is not fit to captain a ship, recent events in Italy made this obvious. Yet I did not say any Libs jumping on board to defend Media Matters or it’s captain.

When your plan is to simply cruise around in a circle then Media Matters was a huge success that is up until the Captain realized that his sea faring abilities are limited to traveling in circles. What were they thinking when they hired Brock and why didn’t someone attempt to set the ship on a true course. All these years and nothing substantive and all they are trying to do is discredit Fox and ultimately bring them down. Well how has that worked out for them.

It is the ultimate irony that Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller (barely more than a row boat by comparison) was able to do to Media Matters what Media Matters could not do to Fox. Maybe Media Matters damaged the boat by breaking too many bottles of champagne against it’s hull when it embarked on it’s maiden voyage. Maybe the sonar could not detect anything because there was nothing to detect. Maybe, no probably, it was simply ill conceived and misdirected right from the start. One thing is for sure, there may not be enough life jackets and life boats to go around for Media Matters. Their boat is sunk and nobody seems surprised except them.

I am so thankful that Fox is out there and their ratings just seem to go up and up. Maybe that is because they are on the up and up. Maybe that is what happens when you sail in the light of day. Now that Media Matters has had the wind taken out of their sails maybe they can move on to other things like why the economy sucks, why we have high unemployment and fewer job opportunities, and why we have a president who suppresses oil production and wastes his time with things we can’t afford like Obamacare. So bon voyage to Fox, keep charting new waters and expanding the maps of enlightenment. Fox proves that there is more than one side to almost every story, but I have yet to determine what the other side of this fall from grace for Media Matters might be. But that is just me.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Thanks for bringing us this, Russ.

Gotta admit I am just like Media Matters in that I never saw this one coming. What goes around comes around but this is off the charts. This is monumental in my mind and might be a sign that things can change and sometimes for all the right reasons.

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