Media Matters - maybe they should clean up their own house first


New member
Jan 9, 2009

By Tucker Carlson Published: 10:51 PM 02/13/2012 | Updated: 10:58 PM 02/13/2012


By Tucker Carlson
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Tucker Carlson is a 20-year media veteran with a wide variety of experience in journalism. Currently a contributor to FOX News, Mr. Carlson has also appeared on CNN, MSNBC, and PBS, and written for magazines such as GQ, Esquire, and New York. He is the founder and editor in chief of The Daily Caller, a 24-hour news site committed to providing its audience with original reporting, thought-provoking commentary, and breaking news. Click here to purchase the DVD of Tucker's Fox News Special Report, FOX NEWS REPORTING: Do You Know What Textbooks Your Children are Really Reading?

A little after 1 p.m. on Sept. 29, 2009, Karl Frisch emailed a memo to his bosses, Media Matters for America founder David Brock and president Eric Burns. In the first few lines, Frisch explained why Media Matters should launch a “Fox Fund” whose mission would be to attack the Fox News Channel.
“Simply put,” Frisch wrote, “the progressive movement is in need of an enemy. George W. Bush is gone. We really don’t have John McCain to kick around any more. Filling the lack of leadership on the right, Fox News has emerged as the central enemy and antagonist of the Obama administration, our Congressional majorities and the progressive movement as a whole.”
“We must take Fox News head-on in a well funded, presidential-style campaign to discredit and embarrass the network, making it illegitimate in the eyes of news consumers.”
What Frisch proceeded to suggest, however, went well beyond what legitimate presidential campaigns attempt. “We should hire private investigators to look into the personal lives of Fox News anchors, hosts, reporters, prominent contributors, senior network and corporate staff,” he wrote.
After that, Frisch argued, should come the legal assault: “We should look into contracting with a major law firm to study any available legal actions that can be taken against Fox News, from a class action law suit to defamation claims for those wronged by the network. I imagine this would be difficult but the right law firm is bound to find some legal ground for us to take action against the network.”
Frisch went on to call for “an elaborate shareholder campaign” against News Corporation, the parent company of Fox News: “This can take many forms, from a front group of shareholders, to passing resolutions at shareholder meetings or massive demonstrations are [sic] shareholder meetings.”
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Given the leaky nature of electronic communications, it’s unusual to see the term “front group” used approvingly in office email. Yet Frisch continued: “We should also hire a team of trackers to stake out private and public events with Fox News anchors, hosts, reporters, prominent contributors and senior network/corporate staff.” (RELATED: More stories in the ‘Inside Media Matters’ investigative series)
Preparing his bosses for the potential cost, he added that, “If we need to buy tickets for events that these people will be speaking at, so be it.”
The memo goes on to suggest new and unusual ways to harass Fox News: “detailed opposition research” on the network’s staff and executives, attacks against Fox News employees on Facebook and other social media, mailing anti-Fox News literature to their homes and placing “yard signs and outdoor advertising in their neighborhoods.”
At one point, Frisch suggests putting “a mole inside of” the network.
The cloak-and-dagger tactics seemed to make Frisch jumpy. “Fox is likely to retaliate,” he wrote. Media Matters should find “ways to protect the privacy of our employees and the security of our office.”
David Brock apparently took this warning seriously. By the next year, Media Matters had two security guards in the office, and Brock’s personal assistant was carrying a holstered Glock to protect him.​


New member
Jan 9, 2009

By Tucker Carlson Published: 10:51 PM 02/13/2012 | Updated: 10:58 PM 02/13/2012

Tucker Carlson is a 20-year media veteran with a wide variety of experience in journalism. Currently a contributor to FOX News, Mr. Carlson has also appeared on CNN, MSNBC, and PBS, and written for magazines such as GQ, Esquire, and New York. He is the founder and editor in chief of The Daily Caller, a 24-hour news site committed to providing its audience with original reporting, thought-provoking commentary, and breaking news. Click here to purchase the DVD of Tucker's Fox News Special Report, FOX NEWS REPORTING: Do You Know What Textbooks Your Children are Really Reading?

How many of these tactics did Media Matters actually engage in? Sources inside the organization either don’t know or won’t say, although one did confirm that Media Matters dispatched trackers to events featuring Fox News employees, including to at least one where News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch spoke.
What’s clear is that Media Matters believed it had many allies in the media and the left-wing political world. “We should consider sponsoring some of the top progressive blogs,” Frisch wrote. “They are upset with MMFA for not putting more money into the blogosphere and this would be a good opportunity to mend fences.”
Ditto for various other parts of the Democratic coalition: “We should work hard to enlist LGBT, Hispanic, African American, Women, Religious Leaders and Groups against Fox News.”
In another section, Frisch suggests convincing liberal film documentarian Michael Moore to make “a major documentary about Fox News and Fox News personalities.”
In at least two places, the memo makes suggestions that in retrospect look like prescient predictions. The first concerns Rupert Murdoch: “Murdoch’s problems in the U.K. (hacking the cell phones of prominent Brits) are hardly known to U.S. news consumers. We should do our best to bring embarrassing Murdoch news to the attention of his U.S. audience.” The effort appears to have succeeded.

Finally, the memo suggests that drones in the Media Matters research department ought to ghost-write an extended hit on the network: “[W]e should write a book under David’s name that savages Fox News and Fox News employees. The market for this is likely huge.”
Is it? We’ll see next week, when that book is released.
Tucker Carlson is The Daily Caller’s editor-in-chief, a former CNN and MSNBC host, and a current Fox News Channel contributor. Follow him on Twitter.​


New member
Jan 9, 2009
I never cared much for Tucker Carlson until now. This is payback at the highest level. When you declare your goal is to bring down Fox News it stands to reason that Media Matters should be held to the same scrutiny. Low and behold, once again the Lib's just can't help themselves because they break all the rules and the ends justify the means. This was bound to happen and to expose Media Matters at this point and time cripples their effectiveness, even with the sheep.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Had to resurect this thread duely noting the lack of participation for the Fox haters out there. How is this working for you now that the self-rightous have painted themselves into a corner. Come on Fox haters, defend something for once, give this your best shot. All this time and nothing to hold Fox to task for and then low and behold the hunter is the hunted.
What goes around comes around.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Ive always like Tucker Carlson, he deff has a Libertarian streak for sure. Media Matters is clearly a left wing handjob, Fox is also but of course it strokes to the right and not nearly as much of a stroke as the former. At least Fox news pretends and looks like a real network, media Matters is basically a blog.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Ive always like Tucker Carlson, he deff has a Libertarian streak for sure. Media Matters is clearly a left wing handjob, Fox is also but of course it strokes to the right and not nearly as much of a stroke as the former. At least Fox news pretends and looks like a real network, media Matters is basically a blog.

statistically speaking, in study after study, Fox News has been proven to be the most fair and the most balanced, and there is no close second

"News" is the operative word. Fox opinion shows have right wing bias.

The issue is that "News" is supposed to be objective, and the totally biased leftwing news outlets pretend to be objective, which is despicable. Even Media Matters wants you to think they're objective. The truth is they're more than biased, they're a hired attack dog distorting the truth and digging for dirt.

Left wing news outlets are as objective as Fox's opinion shows, big difference.

Left wing opinion shows are simply off the wall irrelevant, which is why they have no viewers and need to be subsidized by other sources of money.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Personally I watch very little of the Fox News stuff like O'reilly, etc. I watch the Fox Business Network regularly. They feature, Varney & co, the Willis Report, Cavuto, Lou Dobbs, Judge Napolitano, and Stossell. The Judge and Stossel jump right into any and everything current. Hannity is well intentioned but becoming monotone, O'reilly's show exists solely to sell books and merchandise it seems, and Greta smiles a lot. Cavuto is an interesting guy. Stossel gives a different perspective and adds a lot of insight. The Judge may have the best show and he maintains a high level of enthusiasm.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
statistically speaking, in study after study, Fox News has been proven to be the most fair and the most balanced, and there is no close second

"News" is the operative word. Fox opinion shows have right wing bias.

The issue is that "News" is supposed to be objective, and the totally biased leftwing news outlets pretend to be objective, which is despicable. Even Media Matters wants you to think they're objective. The truth is they're more than biased, they're a hired attack dog distorting the truth and digging for dirt.

Left wing news outlets are as objective as Fox's opinion shows, big difference.

Left wing opinion shows are simply off the wall irrelevant, which is why they have no viewers and need to be subsidized by other sources of money.

With Fox news being exclusively being opinion based in prime time (where you pay the bills) and those opinions lean to the right like you stated, doesnt by default Fox lean to the right? Lets pretend all the other news broadcasts are strictly neutral, its still half neutral and half right leaning... so you basically are proving my point. Fox news is more balanced then Media Matters for example but still a slanted network nonetheless. Last time i checked people dont tune into NBA, ABC and CBS for news much anymore, so no worries Willie.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Personally I watch very little of the Fox News stuff like O'reilly, etc. I watch the Fox Business Network regularly. They feature, Varney & co, the Willis Report, Cavuto, Lou Dobbs, Judge Napolitano, and Stossell. The Judge and Stossel jump right into any and everything current. Hannity is well intentioned but becoming monotone, O'reilly's show exists solely to sell books and merchandise it seems, and Greta smiles a lot. Cavuto is an interesting guy. Stossel gives a different perspective and adds a lot of insight. The Judge may have the best show and he maintains a high level of enthusiasm.

Well said

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
love stossel.........he makes too much sense for most though

Sep 21, 2004
Fox news network is the most gooder news network out there. Their talking points are auscultations to the mind! They rock.


Aug 6, 2006
I think overall the coverage we get here in the US is pretty balanced, albeit there is some BS you need to sift through. Fox News shows do lean right, but there are always voices from the other side, and some loud ones like Bob Beckel. You also have Juan Williams and that honey Kristen Powers. Opposing voices are not silenced.

Contrast that with MSNBC which to me is like sitting in a college lecture hall and having the professor's twisted views harangue you for an hour.

CNN is left-center but that's where my remote is parked if I'm in the mood for news. The reason is simply that when there is a breaking news story CNN blows the others away. It isn't even close. Look at the Syria story. While others report from Beirut and Jerusalem, Arwa Damon is ducking bombs. The only thing that makes me turn off CNN is Ashleigh Banfield's face, which appears more often lately. Can't stand her.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I think overall the coverage we get here in the US is pretty balanced, albeit there is some BS you need to sift through. Fox News shows do lean right, but there are always voices from the other side, and some loud ones like Bob Beckel. You also have Juan Williams and that honey Kristen Powers. Opposing voices are not silenced.

Contrast that with MSNBC which to me is like sitting in a college lecture hall and having the professor's twisted views harangue you for an hour.

CNN is left-center but that's where my remote is parked if I'm in the mood for news. The reason is simply that when there is a breaking news story CNN blows the others away. It isn't even close. Look at the Syria story. While others report from Beirut and Jerusalem, Arwa Damon is ducking bombs. The only thing that makes me turn off CNN is Ashleigh Banfield's face, which appears more often lately. Can't stand her.

I admit I don't watch much cable news anymore but every single time I turn on msnbc I see Pat Buchanan(hardly a leftist) and while fox has beckel and williams they are usually drowned out by the 100 conservatives shouting their daily talking points. I never watch cnn so I have no idea what goes on there.

I used to watch fox but that lineup is brutal. Fox and friends is like watching the 3 stooges turned conservative and while megan kelly is nice to look at she is much like the rest of fox news....comes at everything from the right. I can handle O'reily but hannity is basically a combo of russ/dave007/willie/fest zit. No need to watch him. Just come here and read.

Aug 6, 2006
Sorry Vit I messed up by not including nazis in my review.

I think MSLeftBC and Buchadolf parted ways in January though.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Inside Media Matters: Sources, memos reveal erratic behavior, close coordination with White House and news organizations

Published: 10:02 PM 02/12/2012 | Updated: 3:34 PM 02/15/2012


By Tucker Carlson </SPAN>


and Vince Coglianese </SPAN>


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This is the first in a Daily Caller investigative series on Media Matters For America. Daily Caller reporters Alex Pappas and Will Rahn contributed to this report.
David Brock was smoking a cigarette on the roof of his Washington, D.C. office one day in the late fall of 2010 when his assistant and two bodyguards suddenly appeared and whisked him and his colleague Eric Burns down the stairs.
Brock, the head of the liberal [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]nonprofit
[/COLOR] Media Matters for America, had told friends and co-workers that he feared he was in imminent danger from right-wing assassins and needed a security team to keep him safe.
The threat he faced while smoking on his roof? “Snipers,” a former co-worker recalled.
“He had more security than a Third World dictator,” one employee said, explaining that Brock’s bodyguards would rarely leave his side, even accompanying him to his home in an affluent Washington neighborhood each night where they “stood post” to protect him. “What movement leader has a detail?” asked someone who saw it.
Extensive interviews with a number of Brock’s current and former colleagues at Media Matters, as well as with leaders from across the spectrum of Democratic politics, reveal an organization roiled by its leader’s volatile and erratic behavior and struggles with mental illness, and an office where Brock’s executive assistant carried a handgun to public events in order to defend his boss from unseen threats.
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Yet those same interviews, as well as a detailed organizational planning memo obtained by The Daily Caller, also suggest that Media Matters has to a great extent achieved its central goal of influencing the national media.
Founded by Brock in 2004 as a liberal counterweight to “conservative misinformation” in the press, Media Matters has in less than a decade become a powerful player in Democratic politics. The group operates in regular coordination with the highest levels of the Obama White House, as well as with members of Congress and progressive groups around the country. Brock, who collected over $250,000 in salary from Media Matters in 2010, has himself become a major fundraiser on the left. According to an internal memo obtained by TheDC, Media Matters intends to spend nearly $20 million in 2012 to influence news coverage.
Donors have every reason to expect success, as the group’s effect on many news organizations has already been profound. “We were pretty much writing their prime time,” a former Media Matters employee said of the cable channel MSNBC. “But then virtually all the mainstream media was using our stuff.”

The group scored its first significant public coup in 2007 with the firing of host Don Imus from MSNBC. Just before Easter that year, a Media Matters employee recorded Imus’s now-famous attack on the Rutgers women’s basketball team, and immediately recognized its inflammatory potential. The organization swung into action, notifying organizations like the NAACP, the National Association of Black Journalists, and Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, all of which joined the fight.
Over the course of a week, Media Matters mobilized more than 50 people to work full-time adding fuel to the Imus story. Researchers searched the massive Media Matters database for controversial statements Imus had made over the years. The group issued press release after press release. Brock personally called the heads of various liberal activist groups to coordinate a message. By the end of the week, Imus was fired.

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New member
Jan 9, 2009
Inside Media Matters: Sources, memos reveal erratic behavior, close coordination with White House and news organizations

Published: 10:02 PM 02/12/2012 | Updated: 3:34 PM 02/15/2012


By Tucker Carlson </SPAN>


and Vince Coglianese </SPAN>


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Media Matters soon became more sophisticated in its campaigns against non-liberal cable news anchors. Lou Dobbs, then of CNN, was a frequent target.
“As part of the Drop Dobbs campaign,” explains one internal memo prepared for fundraising, “Media Matters produced and was prepared to run an advertisement against Ford Motor Company on Spanish Language stations in Houston, [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]San [COLOR=green !important]Antonio
[/COLOR][/COLOR], and other cities targeting its top selling product, pick-up trucks, in its top truck buying markets.”
Ford pulled its advertising from Dobbs’s program before the television ad aired, but Media Matters kept up its efforts, working primarily with Alex Nogales of the National Hispanic Media Coalition, and with the League of United Latin American Citizens, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and other self-described civil rights groups.
In November of 2009, Dobbs left CNN. “We got him fired,” says one staffer flatly.
“Certainly Media Matters deserves a lot of credit for the work they did,” Nogales said in an interview. “They’re very effective.”
Glenn Beck, the former Fox News Channel host, drew the ire of a wide spectrum of liberal groups while his program aired nationally. But according to several people who watched the process from the inside, it was Media Matters that orchestrated much of the opposition to Beck.

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“We called it ‘fingerprint coverage,’” explains one former staffer, “where you know it was the result of your work.” As an example, he cites the left-wing group Color of Change, co-founded by the controversial former White House “green jobs” czar Van Jones, which received much of the credit for pressuring advertisers to drop their sponsorship of Beck’s show. But in fact, he says, Media Matters developed the campaign that cowed Beck’s sponsors.
Media Matters, according to its 2010 tax filing, gave a $200,000 grant to Citizen Engagement Laboratory, Color of Change’s parent group. The purpose of the grant, according to the document, was for a “campaign to expose Glenn Beck’s racist rhetoric in an effort to educate advertisers about the practices on his show.”
High profile though these victories against conservatives were, Media Matters has perhaps achieved more influence simply by putting its [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]talking[/COLOR][/COLOR] points into the willing hands of liberal journalists. “In ‘08 it became pretty apparent MSNBC was going left,” says one source. “They were using our research to write their stories. They were eager to use our stuff.” Media Matters staff had the direct line of MSNBC president Phil Griffin, and used it. Griffin took their calls.
Stories about Fox News were especially well received by MSNBC anchors and executives: “If we published something about Fox in the morning, they’d have it on the air that night verbatim.”
But MSNBC executives weren’t the only ones talking regularly to Media Matters.

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New member
Jan 9, 2009
Inside Media Matters: Sources, memos reveal erratic behavior, close coordination with White House and news organizations

Published: 10:02 PM 02/12/2012 | Updated: 3:34 PM 02/15/2012


By Tucker Carlson </SPAN>


and Vince Coglianese </SPAN>


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Media Matters also began a weekly strategy call with [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]the [COLOR=green !important]White
[COLOR=green !important]House[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], which continues, joined by the liberal Center for American Progress think tank. Jen Psaki, Obama’s deputy communications director, was a frequent participant before she left for the private sector in October 2011.
Every Tuesday evening, meanwhile, a representative from Media Matters attends the Common Purpose Project meeting at the Capitol Hilton on 16th Street in Washington, where dozens of progressive organizations formulate strategy, often with a representative from the [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]Obama [COLOR=green !important]White[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] House.
In the past several years, Media Matters has focused much of its considerable energy on the Fox News Channel. The network, declares one internal memo, “is the de facto leader of the GOP and it is long past time that it was treated as such by the media, elected officials, and the public.” At the end of September 2009, Burns made the case publicly in an interview on MSNBC.
Fox, he said, “is a political organization, and their aim is to destroy a progressive policy agenda.”
Less than a month later, in language that could have been copied directly from a Media Matters press release, White [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]House [COLOR=green !important]communications[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] director Anita Dunn leveled almost precisely the same charge, dismissing Fox as “more a wing of the Republican Party.”
Were the lines of attack coordinated? “To my knowledge, there wasn’t coordination,” says a source. But at times there has seemed to be a kind of mind meld between the Obama political team and Media Matters.

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During the 2008 presidential campaign, for example, author Jerome Corsi wrote a highly critical book about the [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]Democratic [COLOR=green !important]candidate[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], titled “The Obama Nation.” The Obama campaign responded immediately with a detailed memo. The title of that memo, “Unfit For Publication” (a play on Corsi’s 2004 book, “Unfit for Command,” about then-presidential candidate Senator John Kerry), was the same title used by Media Matters just weeks before in a similar memo about the same book.
The irony of Brock’s relationship with the White House is that at certain points he has been openly hostile to Barack Obama, especially in conversations in social settings. Described by some who know him as a passionate and emotional Hillary Clinton supporter, many Democrats believe Brock maintained regular contact with the highest levels of Clinton’s campaign and its advisers.
As late as 2010, Brock was still exchanging personal emails with longtime Hillary Clinton consigliore Sidney Blumenthal, in which the two seemed to grouse about Obama and bond over their shared connection to Hillary.
The intensity of the 2008 campaign, say those who knew Brock at the time, seemed to exacerbate his bouts of what appeared to be mania, a condition from which he had apparently suffered for some time. In 2002, the [COLOR=green !important][COLOR=green !important]Drudge [COLOR=green !important]Report[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] reported that Brock had “suffered a breakdown” the year before and was treated in the psychiatric ward of Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington.

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New member
Jan 9, 2009
Inside Media Matters: Sources, memos reveal erratic behavior, close coordination with White House and news organizations

Published: 10:02 PM 02/12/2012 | Updated: 3:34 PM 02/15/2012


By Tucker Carlson </SPAN>


and Vince Coglianese </SPAN>


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During a 2008 meeting of the left-wing umbrella group Democracy Alliance outside San Diego, Brock’s unusual behavior drew considerable attention. According to a fellow attendee, “David completely lost his shit. He started getting incredibly aggressive. He alienated important people in the progressive movement, like John Podesta [of the Center for American Progress] and Anna Burger [of the Service Employees International Union]. Lots of drama. There were a lot of conversations about David’s mental health.”
Two years later, at another Democracy Alliance meeting shortly after the 2010 election, Brock behaved in a way one prominent liberal who was there described as “erratic, unstable and disturbing.” Brock’s aggression, this person said, was “hard to ignore and noticed by a number of people,” generating “quite a bit of concern” about his condition. A number of demonstrably odd media appearances Brock made around this time only reinforced those concerns.

All of this, sources say, has caused anxiety for prominent Democrats. Brock’s profile has risen recently, mostly due to American Bridge 21st Century, the political action committee he founded and runs. Brock boasted loudly and in public that American Bridge would be an answer to Karl Rove’s American Crossroads GPS, a claim some found unsettlingly grandiose.
At some point, Brock received a prescription for his condition. “Some days he’d come in and you could tell he was on his meds because he would just sit in his office alone and not engage with staff,” says a coworker. Other days, “he’d be intensely engaged. He’d get manic, very reckless and grandiose. You’d see this level of self-confidence in him that would spiral.”
Last spring, some at Media Matters headquarters and in other parts of the progressive world were caught off guard by an interview Brock gave to Ben Smith at Politico, in which he promised to wage “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” against Fox News. “It was insane,” says a coworker. “David was totally manic at the time. We were all shocked.”
Friends say Brock, who has publicly admitted drug use in the past, was working obsessively and staying out late with compatriots. “They’d close [local bars] and party till six in the morning,” said one.

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