Once again, the abortion debate is being brought up by the Rep. platform and by you in your argument.
The abortion debate? No, Sonny, abortion is an issue about the murder of babies. I expanded upon the abortion issue, not the "arbortion" debate.
Let me first tell you that I am against abortion and let me also tell you that I firmly believe in a persons right to choose. That said, you will know where I am coming from.
"Every person should be able to make informed decisions about reproduction free from intrusion by the Government." Your mislogic could falsely be applied to any law or theory, but that doesn't make is fact, does it?
Let us take what you said and pick it apart.
I'm not sure who the rest of the "pickers" are whom comprise the "us", but, nonetheless - pick away.
First of all, you refer to a unborn fetus as a baby.
I believe that the two terms ought to be synonymous. Certainly, a Webster's interpertation and manifestation of the "meaning" of a dictionary entry does not change absolute rights or wrongs. That, my friend, would be spinning, not discovery of truth.
I believe that it is a fetus, like most people refer to it and not a baby until it is concieved.
Like I said, the two should be interchangable. I could get really clever and propose a great big analogy of abortion to voting rights to show how "laws" and their "interpretations" are a bit skewed. I'm still not sure what 3/5th of a man is - maybe it's akin to a fetus that is 60% developed - any ideas? Regardless, I haven't the hope that such a sensible argument will be heard by deaf ears.
You also state that women who do terminate a fetus should be executed, I believe that is what you said.
I believe that you cannot read. I never posted such as senseless argument. I am against murder - whether it be an irresponsible whore, a death penalty or a genocidal US appointee President.
With that statement, I guess you do not give much regards to life, as you put it.
If A then B. A has been show to be false, thus your whole assertion bites the bullet.
Every person should be able to make informed decisions about reproduction free from intrusion by the Government.
That is you opinion. Perhaps every person should be able to make informed decisions about killing their neighbors without intrusion by the Government? Sounds rational to me - I mean, what the fuk let's just ditch all these laws and live in world of complete immorality and responsibility.
To go back to the the way it was before Roe V Wade, would put this Country in the dark ages once again.
It's really just a matter of perception, no?
If this Rep. Party wants to be a uniter not a divider than they do not show it by there platform.
Maybe a few of them want to do the right thing? Bush - no, not a fuking chance, but some of them truly do. Kerry the pro-choice Catholic just doesn't sound honest to me - does it to you?
The abortion issue should be left to the people it impacts more. Not to you and a handful of Politicians.
The babies? No, sorry, but the whores you so passionately support have already dismembered a good number them as we "debate."