Obama is politician also. He is the same way. He cut his political teeth in the most corrupt Democratic Org. in the country. Studied under Daley and Jones. People who believe he is a new kind of politician are complete morons. The house issue is gonna hurt Obama more than it hurts McCain. It was a blunder by Bo's campaign to bring this up. It shows me the guy is reading the writing on the wall and is starting to panic. With the MSM in the tank for him, and him knowing this is the perfect year for a democrat to win the WhiteHouse, he knows he should have a double digit lead. Instead the small lead he had is gone and McCain pretty much has got all the mo right now.im sure both are elitists. what politician isnt.
doesnt look good though when your saying your a common man and own 10 homes though. just the image looks bad, its a debate whether thats elitist or not.
just looks bad though and reinforces in the persons mind that this guy is just another in the same long line.
But BO's words:yea thats why i said both are eltiists, like all politicians.
ill still say though when your john mccain and trying to portray your image as a common man, straight talk, etc. and then people see pictures of your 10 homes, thats not what the common man wants to see. just a negative image in peoples minds.
bush played it off well. driving in his ford pickup with wrangler jeans or whatever, compared to the wasp kerry.
it just doesnt look good.