Can some one explain to me who these two got together and had kid with anything like 40% arab in him?
Please i would like to know. Because i am looking at a guy who is definately 100% AFrican and a woman who is 100% white.
Where the hell did the arab come in?
Does his mother have arabian blood? Is it his father who has arabian blood.. If this is so, then John mccain is probably 50% white and 40% klingon.:lol:
Can some one explain to me who these two got together and had kid with anything like 40% arab in him?
Please i would like to know. Because i am looking at a guy who is definately 100% AFrican and a woman who is 100% white.
Where the hell did the arab come in?
Does his mother have arabian blood? Is it his father who has arabian blood.. If this is so, then John mccain is probably 50% white and 40% klingon.:lol:
Funny part is all the Righties on this board slamming Obama
Would do his wife and not even look back!!
because his fathers' birth certificate states that dad is arab not african..
Michelle is 90 % black, 5 % Diana Ross, and 5% Zira.------>>>
YES WE CAN :cripwalk: