You know that yet to develop clown Matsu is still at least 2 years from being able to handle this stage.
Then you leaving Rory, Spieth & Day uncovered.
You're behaving strangely.
Not to imply POORLY just....its different.
From your normal strategy.
What I've become accustomed to.
Interesting anyways.
Good Possibility that you wrecked too many Brain Cells during your 7 days Binge at Westgate just gone by.
I heard about you scaling the new 70 foot TV and yelling "I am King of The World!!" after you cashed with Syracuse Moneyline vs.......was it ND or Gonzaga I forget that part.
Only real pressing question is which guy to employ to Fade Bubba
cuz the Bikini Waxed Greens are gonna cause him to have a Nervous Breakdown somewhere around Hole 38
4/7/16 12:44pm Majors Golf 7005 Jason Day (Tourn) -140*<small>vs</small> Bubba Watson (Tourn)