Not exactly on topic ..... but what is in this thread ..... As I was watching the coverage today on the news networks and the weather channel I started to wonder what would have happened if the Texas secession movement had achieved its wishes, say a year or 2 ago. Would the US gov't offer help? How much? I know Trump wouldn't be headed there tomorrow. What about the news coverage here; how different would it be?
waaaaat? do you have similar thoughts about CA? or about the entire south?
what would this country be like if the South won the civil war?
or the British won the revolutionary war?
or Germany won one of the world wars?
or the Indians defeated the expansionists? would we have WASP Reservations with Casinos?
what if modern day democrats were the founding fathers? could the nation possibly survive? (actually, probably shouldn't single out democrats on this issue, but they are worse)
PS: can you spare any painkillers?