yeah i know tons of very successful folks that smoke weed on a daily basis
But sticking to the Topic of this here Thread - continued evidence is being presented that demonstrates either directly or indirectly the wide medical efficacy of marijuana.
Americans interested in having legal access to marijuana as medicine are encouraged to either relocate to one of the 14 states which allow it or to advocate for legal change within your own state if not currently residing in one of the 14.
PM me if interested in directions to the people and organizations most honestly involved in this nationwide effort to remove criminal penalties for Americans who wish to use marijuana as medicine.
If there was no demand for drugs there would be no need for the DEA..... I vote no pee in a cup (random lottery type) = No job or any type of social services either.
If there was no demand for drugs there would be no need for the DEA..... I vote no pee in a cup (random lottery type) = No job or any type of social services either.
Fuck you asshole! You and all the other people who don't think people should be able to put whatever they want into their own body (not including pregnant women) and all those who don't want you to be able to gamble with your own money. You should get the fuck out of my don't believe in liberty or the pursuit of happiness.
Does this apply to an airline pilot at the controls of a cross country flight,policeman on the beat,linebacker in the weight room,doctor in the OR,etc?