Guys smart enough to know that betting a Side without knowing what the capabilities of the players on the team are would be a reckless & stupid thing to do willingly accept this Lewis guy's take on addiction when to do so is identical, in essence, to betting that Side without knowing the capabilities of those playing.
We do not know enough about the Human Brain to conclusively say that addiction is due to what Lewis suggests.
You accept Lewis' Take because it echoes what you personally think to be the truth, it validates your beliefs and it places responsibility for one's action onto a person themselves which you'd like to see and I don't blame you.
I believe this to be a positive thing to pursue, encouraging people to make better decisions and own their bad ones but Lewis proposes that you accept his Take, his Opinion on the matter and uses fancy words and phrases that make you think he knows some stuff to sell you a total "Bill Of Goods" here.
Lewis does this while fully understanding (as do you if you have any common sense at all) that knowing as little as we really do about the exact workings of the Human Brain we cannot say conclusively what causes addiction.
Damage to that specific area of the brain responsible for decision making might cause addictive behavior, could be an underdeveloped state of that region of the brain thats responsible, could be Genetic...i.e. how that region of a brain operates (or fails to) could be Disease..
...that exists within that region of a brain. If thats what it is that leads to addiction is then Voila addiction stems from a diseased state.
Maybe addictive behavior does come to be as result of what Lewis asks you to believe but there is no way that he can know because he does not have enough understanding of how the human brain works and thus what impairments within a brain can cause to know this. He is just guessing...with what he writes.
Overall I consider it a very positive thing to get people encouraged to take responsibility for their actions but for you guys to behave as though Lewis has some special "insight" into the causes of addiction is ridiculously stupid. He's the same a a "Tout" basically with this speculation of his dressed up in fancy words, cloaked for deception to lull you into believing that he knows some stuff.
It should be obvious to you that one could no more diagnose the causes of addiction without a full understanding of the Human Brain than they could accomplish making an intelligent bet on a Side without knowing what the capabilities of those on a given team are.
If Lewis really wants to get some attention, sell some books get some appearance fees he should experiment with suggesting that addictive behavior (in some cases) is the product of a brain that is damaged's ingrained desire to Self-Terminate. So as to avoid the inevitable and unavoidable despair which that brain knows, inherently, lies on the horizon.
If he'd mess with that Lewis would get a bunch of attention because much of the "Scientific Community" asserts the human brain is not capable of Self-Termination.
Addictive behavior can have, at it's root, "Ego" first at least then one advances onto the actual physical addiction itself, the body's "need" for a substance to stave off discomfort...
There are many possible different causes for addictive behavior, don't get too distracted from the pursuit of truth where regards this question by Snake Oil Salesmen who'd have you believe they know conclusively what causes it.