Man, are you guys blind and stupid. Sheriff Joe, let me guess mommy and daddy paid for your college and you make 75,000 a year. Mommy and daddy sucked your dick and now you know everything. He is the biggest dick as president we have every seen. Keep getting your dick sucked you blind ass bat.
ointer: Don't kid yourself shit stain joe, you are looking at a historic presidency....WORST EVER.
Yes they are and yes he is.
You got to be shitting me.....Were 20 trillion in debt....Nobody better than the Trump dream team to get it started paid back so my great great great grandkids dont have to pay for the mistakes of my generation...ointer: Don't kid yourself shit stain joe, you are looking at a historic presidency....WORST EVER.
You got to be shitting me.....Were 20 trillion in debt....Nobody better than the Trump dream team to get it started paid back so my great great great grandkids dont have to pay for the mistakes of my generation...
Now you've got to be shitting me. I get you are a drumph supporter (sad) but you seriously need to pull your head out of your ass. Nobody better to reduce our debt? Have you seen his budget proposal? It is estimated it will add 3-5 trillion to the debt. Further it does nothing to address the main drivers of the U.S.’s long-term debt, which is caused by the growing costs of Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security. Add to that the stupid wall, increased defense spending and you have all the makings of continue growth of debt.
Little Donnie and his team are obviously in way in over their heads on nearly every issue that has been presented and the budget is no different.
ointer: Don't kid yourself shit stain joe, you are looking at a historic presidency....WORST EVER.
All this talk Of the DJIA is meaningless.Fewer regulations and the pro business rhetoric is helping, as we all know (or should know anyhow) increasing regulations and an anti-business policies created a decade of economic malaise
From "your jobs are not coming back" and "you didn't build that" and "government is your solution" to "we will bring your jobs back" to rekindling the entrepreneurial spirit to government regulations are a problem, there are is obvious change is direction out of DC. If we ever get relief from a crippling Obamacare that's both killing people and jobs and if we ever get tax relief, we'll have the roaring 20's II.
Consumer and business confidence alone can fuel economic growth, putting more money in their pockets to spend will make it go boom.
All this talk Of the DJIA is meaningless.
When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
slumped to 7,949.09, the lowest inaugural performance for the Dow since its creation.
When he left office Jan. 20, 2017 it stood at 19,732.40.
Just by the numbers you would think he was a economic genius.
All this talk Of the DJIA is meaningless.
When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)
slumped to 7,949.09, the lowest inaugural performance for the Dow since its creation.
When he left office Jan. 20, 2017 it stood at 19,732.40.
Just by the numbers you would think he was a economic genius.
The DJIA is not a sign of economic strength, jobs growth and income growth and savings growth are far more important
The DOW surged during the Obama years, and we had the worst extended period of economic malaise since the GD. Not one year even reached 3% growth. There's no rainy day fund for far too many families
Anyhow, you don't have to look any farther than the Great Depression for proof the DJIA does not reflect economic growth. The DOW soared 400% during one stretch, grew some 300% from 32 - 40, yet they call it the GREAT DEPRESSION, go figure
Obama owns the current GREAT MALAISE, his hands are all over our economic clusterfuck
So you blame dems for not regulating the banks? Isn't that a page right out of the republitard play book?