White Boy mob from Da River actually thinks the majority of people care about BLM. Nobody truly cares about others, we pretend to. And then there are some who flat out don’t care. At the end of the day we only care about us. The hot minute something affects us directly we no longer care. Mankind is greed.
Mob you think you care because you share opinions or facts. Your troll job justice in your lonely head is like so many others. Attack those who see things differently in correlation to ideological problem. Stand tall with chest out proud of your world wide support and solving to make change. When in reality you could be far more affective in helping the effected directly. But that takes action and receives no public recognition. It’s much easier to splash around words and feel WOKE and productive. What BLM events have you attended then took action directly in the community to help bring change? Absolutely zero, because you don’t really care. But if you did and some type of change is made and that change affects you in some way, then facts are you will no longer care about you previous cause. So bottom line is it will all play out to you don’t care!
Support illegal immigration and everyone deserves the American dream (which I don’t know why so many liberal think it’s a dream as much as they shit on the country and gladly point out soo many other lavish countries that are doing things right! Bit hypocritical if ya ask me). Or do you support and care about the homeless? Do you support and care about better housing for minority’s?
If you support and care about anything above then for how many years have you opened your doors for free housing, food, money and education? Because that would truly be supportive and caring by using actions of your personal home, time and finances to help a cause. And if your argument is I don’t have a big place or enough money to do so or I would, then change your lifestyle to make it happen. Sacrifice more for your cause. And if you say I shouldn’t have to be the one who does this then your part of the problem. If you say this is what myvtaxes should pay for then donate more of your tax money. I can assure you the IRS will gladly take your check. End of the day you care about you just like everyone else. So quit pretending!