

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
lol well dude come on

now you do realize youre talking about someone who let a video game, set to just play eachother, let the Video game run thru and then posted the results to post plays lol

and that was the best he ever did lol

i watched this Flava guy go 18- 24 in last years bowls at TTS777 and now hes trying to go 70% for the rest of the bowl season? yeah thatll happen lol

see its easy when you have high speed to give yourself about 300 page views in oh 10 mins or less, do you really think that many people are looking ? 2760 views huh? how do you say? LMAO?!?!
Me and brewers laughed all year last year at the POWER THIS and 100 Unit that!! my god !!

IF hes the resident guru here at the Rx, uh, ok nuff said :puppy:

im just happy were on the oppo side again tonight :103631605

and its not like no ones noticed, i loved that thread about this dude you guys made about how clueless he is, couldnt agree more, well yeah i could, ive seen it all too much lol

have no clue who the Kojak guy is so i have no comment, but good luck hitting 70% Flav, better ask God for some old Payback from any Carma!!
or try :drink: and :smoking: before you post lol

Maybe some more video games will help lololol

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
MistaFlava said:
This is coming from a guy who got kicked off posting at TTS777 and then called the owner crying and bitching about. Weren't you diagnosed as Bipolar?

Haha...the madness doesn't end. Cmon ceasar, don't make me post all the emails you sent to Steve or the transcripts from the phone conversations. Myself and Buff were laughing for days when you had your PMS spats at TTS. Steve showed us everything and let me tell you bro, there's a strong chance that you have a vagina.

Good Luck tonight.

LOL coming from a little 20 yr old boy like you?

yeah make some sense little man, you want to reference TTS as something, reference as the JOKE AYOU WERE in EVERY CONTEST EVER HELD THERE, and all the Monthly contests you never even came in the top 25 lol

sure man, kicked off huh? yeah ok, as long as everyone knows they are following a little kid who has no clue, you are only 20 ? youve got alot to learn little kid, maybe someday you can move out of your parents housem and stop misleading all these people and guess who told me how you give yourself the page views? you allready mentioned him!! little hint lol :puppy:

Gl kid! i wish you could paste your own shit AND MINE! thatd be sweet, hmm FIRST PLACE in the March madness contests? Totals and Sides went to who again? oh yeah I won it all huh lol 1st place, where did you place again? LMAO

you couldnt pick the lint out of your belly button, and everyone at this site has allready stated what they think of YOU, isnt that something lol

PASTE AWAY MAN, Transcripts of Phone convo's? wtf is that, id love to see some of that stuff, youve got Nada and you still are a little kid trying to learn how to cap!!
Lets see them Transcripts boy!! Please please please let me see em, god this is great, keep reaching little boy!!!

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
lol and whats even better

is As soon as I left TTS Poof, GONE!

get your facts straight about why i left little man

Brew was letting everyone and their grandmother bash you, bash me, bash buff, and didnt put an end to it, so me and Buff Left and OOPS NO MORE TTS!! lol Evaporated in Web Purgatory within 3 months

LOL, good stuff with the Bipolar stuff though, i like that one, you come up with that yourself or did your Kid sister give you some advice there? Gotta do better than that

My god man, good luck gettin into a war of words with me, i love it , bring that weak shit all day

Youre a puss!
You cant cap a tiddly wink contest, and it will be proven when youre done with the Bowls going -315 units as usual!!

Take care little guy!! :howdy:

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
Fridays Bowl Madness

Well now its time for the Bowl games we have been waiting for, and it only gets crazier from here, Its the most, Beautiful week, of the year lol

Music City Bowl

with the way Kentucky played this season, no one can Beat this team by more than 10 in my opinion, esp not Clemson and Kentucky will travel just fine to Nashville, and i find it Shocking that theyd insult Clemsons D by putting up a 57.5, little nervous that Kentucky doesnt have Bowl success, but they havent even been in a Bowl in this Century, so i dont think Kentucky cares what HAS happened, and wants to make THE NOW HAPPEN! theyll hang with Clemson because they can indeed score, obviously, as theyre in the Top 10 in the Nation in Passing Yards Per, so the points will come to an extent but not 58 of them
Kentucky +10
Kent/ Clem Under 57.5

Sun Bowl

fuck what is with the Pac-10 right now? i go against them i lose, i go with them i lose lol
Today i go with them, I love Oreg St here, that half point doesnt concern me one bit, they have the Offense, they have better Mo, as Mizzou started 6 - 0 and finished 8 - 4, so whats that tell ya? Faded Hard to finish out, and i just think Oreg St will score too much for Mizzou to deal with, and the 52 i see for a total will depend on which of the two faces of Mizzou shows up, if they Dont score theyre in trouble, but niether team is exactly stellar on Pass Defense, so the points should come i hope
Oreg St -3.5
Oreg St/ Mizzou Over 52

Liberty Bowl

Houston and SC in a bowl that is in an under trend hitting 6 of the last 7 Unders in this Bowl
and its @ 56 because of Houston and Kolb, SC only put up more than 31 points vs TWO SHIT TEAMS and rarely face a good team and go out and put up tons of points, (Not that Houston is in the Category of the SEC teams theyve faced) Houston is on a Nice Bowl Win streak, LOL OR NOT!!! 20+ years of Bowl Futility, and Conf Usa sure hasnt shown up yet, but this Houston team is Hot and riding a 6 gm win streak to finish out, but SC's D will be the reason the Under comes in, but on the other Side, Houstons D is horrible, and they only had to deal with Shit Conf Usa Teams and couldnt hold anyone down, as theyve gave up more than 30 4 times, 20+ plenty of times and only held down Tulsa And Tulane, who have Shit for offense anyway so how much stock should the Hous D have? to me none, i dont see the SEC going down to this weak a conference with Spurrier having this team ready, i mean they may be 0 - 3 vs the tougher teams in the SEC but they Were in every game and had plenty of Chances to actually pull all three out (Fla, Ark and The Vols games im referring too actually)
Ahh i dont know, i hate to give up 5.5 points as I Do believe Hous will hang around because they can score, so ill grab the Dog here hoping for a 28- 24 Type game, creeping in on the Under, hoping that Late TD doesnt come and the New Clock rules help me out a bit!
Houston +5.5
Hous/ S Caro Under 56

Insight Bowl
Ok well how does the Insight bowl just find teams that will play to an over, 6 - 1 the last 7 Overs have hit in this Bowl and then they go and Matchup these two?
well who doesnt just have a natural lean on this over, and im sure Vegas is trying to see if they can push the limit here i mean 65.5 is nice and high, and of all bowls to have hit this kind of Total whod a thunk it would be the Noles game lol, not even Hawaii went over 65.5, and with so much expectation on Points? and you know you can just hear the opening NFL network guys just saying "In what we expect to be the highest scoring of all the Bowls" doesnt that make you cringe?
I took the Over in the Cal game because of all the Comments Dan Fouts had to make, and yeah i got it but uh should i have? what the hell was Cal doing, i had no right having that Total hit, and i havent looked but im sure there have got to be thousands of posts in all forums of the world saying I CANT BELIEVE HOW I MISSED THAT TOTAL BY A POINT!!! lol that was kinda fucked , i mean even the coach seemed to be like, HEY WTF ARE YOU DOIN!! in fact i saw hime say it when he had the Face mask of the QB in his hands lol
SO, this Bowl is infamous for overs, these two teams can put up 30+ each and i hope they do, although this seems like the trendiest pick out there, i gotta have the Over i spose, id hate to read in next years Bowls Matchups that the Over in the insight bowl is 7 - 1 the last 8 years and not say Yep i had it !
And Minnesotas D will be their downfall, T Tech takes this one 45- 28 and both covers and helps us out with the Over
T Tech -6.5
T Tech/ Minn Over 65.5

Champs Sports Bowl
ok Line move of the Bowl games here, as when i went to the Greek on Dec 2nd or 3rd when the lines Orig came out The Terps were Fav by 3, and now Purdue is the one favored, how did that happen over the Month+ Theyve both had off? :WTF:
Weve seen One Acc team kick a Pac-10 teams ass and we have nothing from the Big 10 yet?
I dont get it, but the line move sure concerns me because when those lines indeed came out i said Hmm ok that sounds right, when The Terps were Fav by 3, now i sit here on the fence going WTF? Esp with Purdue giving up 433 YPG, putting them in the Bottom 5 in the Entire Ncaa, and they didnt even have to play Mich or Ohio St in Conf this year, how much worse would that have looked?
This game should and Could be a Turnover Festival, as Neither QB Knows what color Jersey the other team has on lol 29 INT's Between them, fuck whos favored i want no part of the Side in this game and trying to analyze why this line has moved so much, Ill just watch em go nuts and i hope the Fla Rain stays away, as it normally only rains during the day in Orlando, as ive spent more time in Orlando than i could even tell you, and the 3:00 rains that come always lead to a decent night, and there are no real threats of any serious weather, short of the norm, so i dont factor in weather at all basically, and if this total was actually at 47, then id be leary but its at over 52 so if they expect a few points, and 9 of the Last 10 Bowls here have gone over, and again, the same applies as id hate to read next year that this Bowls Over is 10 - 1 the last 11 and not be on it again!
Bring me some points boys!
Purdue/ Terps Over 52.5

Phew, Good Fortune tomorrow Ladies and Gents!
May the Pigskin be with you!

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
Tks BZ

Thanks my friend, how goes it? happy holidays to you and yours!
i hope all is well is BZ land, you should IM me man, me and the Boys got "Think Dog" started again, its a forum that we had a while ago and have had running for a few months now and it is back together again, Brew, Alleycat, WetLqd, Moe, Buffett just came on a few days ago, Roger, Mikey and a few from TTS and EOG hang out too, would love to see ya there too

i wish you were there for the last two weeks too brother, good Ole Ege pulled a 8 -1 NFL weekend 2 weeks ago, and i went 9 - 2 last weekend as well, i dont know how many guys you know that have gone 17 - 3 the last 2 weeks in NFL, and went 60% for the NFL season, but if you find them let me know, id love to get together with them

find me man, id love to see you at our place, you should have my IM but i have it in my profile here, and i dont post here that much, little too big as the posts get lost so quick in a place this big, i hate seeing my posts on the 3rd page because i post so early in the day, i have my Pucks and Bowls allready posted for Friday there and working on my NcaaB next, uh which im shooting 75% the last couple of days (18 - 6) and im 38 Games Over .500 for the College Hoops season, you know me man, College stuff is my bread and butter, ive taken quite a hit in The NHL recently because of all the effort ive been putting in College stuff recently, but ill work that out hopefully, hate struggling but we live on!

Get a hold of me my friend!

See ya later, Ege

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
Saturday Bowls

Ok i mean Damn is it bowl season or what!!
and what a Game with T Tech and Minn huh? Outrageous, i love when i witness history, its why i watch the games, you just never know when you get to witness something historic, and that comeback was the Biggest Deficit over come IN ANY BOWL GAME EVER!!!! Kinda cool

Ok We move to Saturday

Meineke Car Care Bowl

Navy and BC, and with Navy, talk about a tale of Two offenses, Leading the nation in rushing, Worst in the nation in Passing lol
probem is BC is one of the best teams against the Run this year, and now they get to gear up to ONLY stop the run basically, Navy IS NOT going to throw the ball around, but they better have some kind of Alternate game plan that DOES involve throwing the ball, because an Acc team, that is basically very disappointed that they are in this bowl, and had much higher expectations, but lost all of their 3 games away from home and is a horrible team away from home actually, as Scoring points did not come easily away from Home, and then on the Oppo side, Navy has been one of the best cover road teams, being 11- 1 ATS away from home the last 12, and will travel with a Decent crew to be well represented in N Carolina
BC has also lost their only kicker theyve had all year by his suspension, so you may think its easy to just go find someone who can put some balls through the uprights but its not that simple, and i expect that BC might go for a 4th and less than 4 or 5 if theyre inside Navys 30 not being able trust that the New guy can kick a 40+ yd FG with any Confidence, and could cost them in the long run
Ahh man Im taking Navy to Cover this one, as BCs lack of Kicking, and lack of enthusiasm to kick navys ass, and the Fact they dont travel well and Navy does.

Navy +7

Alamo Bowl

Texas and Iowa, and Heavy Favs in this Bowl historically dont come out with a BIG win as expected (Texas -9.5)
BUT, Iowa is both 2 - 9 Away from home the last 2 years and 1 - 10 ATS this year, and this is as much of a road game as it gets obviously, with the game being in the Heart of Ole Texas, assuming that 40,000+ of the 65,000 expected will have Burnt Orange on, and ill assume that they have to be somewhat disappointed to be facing a .500 Big10 team, i mean keep in mind this Texas team was Ranked pretty high pre season, despite the Loss of #10 to the Titans, but i think we all knew that wouldnt last long as they Got Ohio St early, lost that game and then went nuts, as they were 9 - 1 until they lost both their final games
Now keep in mind that Colt Mccoy almost has to go, as Snead got suspended for the Bowl, so they have NO QB if Mccoy goes down , and if you dont think that Iowa Knows this, youre out of your mind! Theyre gonna try to Knock his Neck into next week id assume
Drew Tate has got to try and prove why Iowa stuck with him this long
I expect alot of Ground game for the horns and alot of Clock running, and Iowa better not think theyre runnin the ball, as Texas is STOUT vs the Run, and the Field conditions arent supposed to be too stellar, calling for Rain all day tomorrow putting me on the Dog and the Under, as Drew Tate is ok but he has 12 Picks this year to only 16 TD's, the thing that doesnt sit well with me is how much D is out for this game on both sides of the ball, and Ross (CB) got into a Car accident but is Probable but still may show some effects, but 27-24 is still an under, i hope it works out that way

Iowa +9.5
Iowa/ Horns Under 53.5

Peach Bowl

Chick Fil a Whatever it is lol
and how often do you see a home team as a dog?
VT is gonna kill this fucking team, Mr Ore is gonna go nuts, and VT's Defense and Spec teams will largely be the difference, dont have much else to add and i dont think i need to, you want Ga? you can have em!

V Tech -2.5<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Best of Luck tomorrow Gents! and Again i say May the pigskin be with you! :103631605

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
tks man

yeah i guess im not just a simple kind of guy who just posts plays with no explanation as to why im on stuff

thanks for the comment brother, GL to you tomorrow, Nice to meet you, name is EJ btw, feel free to jump in any of my threads, as no one seems to really say anything and most of my threads end up 5 Pages back because i post so early in the night and 5 Million people post here lol

again, tks for the comments!

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
and proving it more and more

Keep it in the Rubber Room.
Last edited by a moderator:

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
New Years Bowl Games!

New Years Day Bowls

Outback Bowl

Penn St & the Vols, and if you want to give me 4 points and Joe Pa and that Defense, i think im going to have to take it, Erik Ainge has never impressed me and with Penn St's Offense being as lethargic as it is, i just hope they hang enough to at worst lose by a FG, but im just grabbing the under here

Under 41

Cotton Bowl

Auburn & Nebraska, and how disappointed is Nebraska to be in this bowl game with that loss in the Big 12 Conf Champ game to Okl setting them back to the Cotton Bowl, while they watch Okl in a BCS bowl, keep in mind, only GA and Arkansas scored more then 17 points vs this Auburn team this year, but Auburn Struggled to cover spreads this year, and finished on a 1 - 5 ATS number, and i love Zac Taylor and the Nebraska Overs were so good to me this year, but im actually surprised the Total is at 46, with the Past 5 Cotton Bowls seeing 4 unders, But ya know what im going against the grain here and taking Neb to bring themselves to 4 - 0 all time vs Auburn, granted they havent played in YEARS, but i love that stuff, and i love nebraskas history in Bowl games in the State of Texas! Good stuff!

Nebraska +2
Aub/ Neb Under 46

Gator Bowl

Well ok this is a strange game, one i might not want to play, Reggie Ball and a few of his crew are out, I just heard that Slaton is now Questionable, and might not play at all, and Only Slaton and White have ANY rushing yds to speak of, so is P White going to be able to dealwith Ga Techs Defense by himself?, and is TAYLOR BENNETT going to be able to move the Ball for GT? both teams are STIFLING vs the Run, and GT has had plenty of time to prepare for that sorry ass Defense with W VA, and weather looking like it may be a factor in Jax too putting me as usual on the Dog and the under to boot

GT +10.5
Under 47

Capital One Bowl

Stocco will play, and play just fine with that Defense behind him, not much to say about this bowl as the Big10 has been a Dog in the last 2 times they were in this Bowl and won both times, and i hope they do it again, finding a way to shut down Mr Mcfadden, but keep in mind Ark has 2 1000 yd rushers this year and dont only rely on Darren, i just Question the QB play of Ark and Wisky can and will gear up for stopping the run and not letting Ark beat them on the Ground

Wisky +2

Fiesta Bowl

Undefeated Boise St and Oklahoma, who is getting Back their All world RB for this game, and not having him didnt slow down this Okl team all year and winning the big12 Conf champ game and proving theyer the best the big12 has to offer vs a team that sure is undefeated, but with that Conf being as weak as it is, they better be undefeated, Great season for them, but a First year coach vs an Okl coaching staff that has been there and done that plenty, i think both offenses are going to struggle alot today, vs Two defenses that sure had their way this year so i dont care to touch a 7.5 line but i will take it under 51

Okl/ Boise Under 51


the Rose Bowl ofcourse, and My god if i could shoot Lloyd Carr i would, SHUT UP ALLREADY!!!
You didnt even win your OWN FUCKING CONFERENCE and all hes done for a month is FUCKING CRY CRY AND CRY about how his team should be playing Ohio St, THEY ALLREADY BEAT YOU!! SHUT UP!!
Ok back to the game lol

Well Bo hads died, Gerald Ford died, and both were huge Mich legends, and i dont know if it really effects this game, as remember Bo died the night before the Ohio St game and that didnt help them one bit that day, and i doubt these kids really care about an Ex pres and what he did for Mich, going undefeated two years straight when he was there, and i just heard that Reggie Bush called USC to get a field pass for the game and they said NOPE we dont need you on the sidelines thanks! so i hear Now Reggie isnt even bothering to show up to watch and support his old team, which is an insult if you ask me as this running back by committee sure did look up to him and having him around sure could have helped Motivate that team, and they need it after the Hugely disappointing Loss to Ucla that probably kept them from being in Floridas Postion

Im taking USC to mildly upset Michigan, #1 because theyve played 2 games since Mich played their last game 6 weeks ago, and #2 because i dont want to listen to Lloyd Carrs YAP about how his team deserves THE WORLD!!
and id like to see USC make up for last years Loss in this same building in obv what was a bigger game than this, but ill take Pete Carroll and his Kids to out Coach, out play and out wit Michigan


Maybe you remember i was all over Texas ML at Steves TTS last year in the Champ game in this same Bowl, one of the only people who had em to win outright and didnt even take the Points

Good luck guys!! COUCH POTATO CITY AND BOWLS worth watching all day
Happy New Year guys!<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

New member
Dec 5, 2006
does anyone know who this LOSER is and why he got banned? :WTF: was it for bad english? :icon_conf does anyone who made it past 3rd grade write worse than this douschebag? :ohno: what the fuck does this guy smoke? :smoking: maybe he is a lush? :drink: or doing this? :coke: i nominate magic10 as the biggest loser on this forum :bigfinger

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