Made mistake of bragging about my winnings now people are asking for loans


New member
Feb 26, 2007
$14k is a lot of money to must be nice to be you

Its a decent amount of money, but damn sure not life changing.... what exactly can you buy with 14k thats soo amazing? Even the poorest of people who work full time make almost 20K in a year...

Nov 7, 2008
Its a decent amount of money, but damn sure not life changing.... what exactly can you buy with 14k thats soo amazing? Even the poorest of people who work full time make almost 20K in a year...

Must be nice....
Oct 26, 2003
Its a decent amount of money, but damn sure not life changing.... what exactly can you buy with 14k thats soo amazing? Even the poorest of people who work full time make almost 20K in a year...

14k would be life changing for some and needy for most....Get real BL....

Jul 23, 2006
You really cant tell people whenever you win, because society in general looks down on gamblers as degenerates. That plus jealousy, or your current situation. Best to just be quiet and happy about your win King.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
Karma? Explain how that's an example of karma.

Honestly, I can't explain it. I may have used the wrong word. My point is you complaining how sickened you are after having the good fortune to win $42,000. Your
complaining rubbed me the wrong way. I felt you were being a whining bitch.

Karma's a bitch, so maybe that's why I choose the word.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I get a kick about how all these large lotto winners are bothered all the time from people looking for money. If that ever happened to me if I hit the BIG one, I'd tell these people to ask Bill Gates or
Buffett or Zuckerberg. No matter how much you won in a lotto, it would never compare to what they have. But these people wouldn't dare bother one of those guys, so why would they bother a lotto winner?

Oct 16, 2008
I get a kick about how all these large lotto winners are bothered all the time from people looking for money. If that ever happened to me if I hit the BIG one, I'd tell these people to ask Bill Gates or
Buffett or Zuckerberg. No matter how much you won in a lotto, it would never compare to what they have. But these people wouldn't dare bother one of those guys, so why would they bother a lotto winner?

bc they "know" you and have access to ya. if i won a bigg lotterty, so like 125 million after taxes. id take care of my brother/wife and my parents so they could do what they want within reason for rest of their lives (say 6 million combined). id buy all of my close friends a nice new car say $40k x 20 people (another million). I would put 5 million in a scholarship fund so that none of my friends kids or close family would ever have to pay for college (set some bs minor requirements 2.5 gpa, non felon etc). then I would do some chairty work (say another 5 million). then i would spend the rest of my life trying to average around 1 million or less spent a year and leave my kids/grand kids with a good set up
Feb 20, 2002
Anyone who asks for a loan is a lowlife. The only exception is asking for a loan from a financial institution.

"Would you bareback everything if you had lung (brain) cancer and # months left to live?"
View Poll Results: I have a 95% chance to die SUDDENLY within 2-4 months. Should I bareback everything?

Voters:57. .

YES absolutely! Get a huge loan from the bank and go to town! 41 71.93%

No, I wouldn't want to catch an STD. 8 14.04%

I'd forget about sex completely and spend all my time with friends and family and never stop crying. 1 1.75%

I'd wait for a better prognosis but do BB once in awhile. 3 5.26%

I'd accept Jesus as my forever saviour and be a good boy/girl to make sure I go to heaven. 4 7.02%

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Learned the loaning lesson the hard way.

About a year and a half ago, I finished pretty high in a poker tourney in Vegas. Took home close to $15k. I made the mistake of telling a good friend of mine about it...this is a guy I'd known for 20 years at least. His family has been friends with my family. A few days after I get home from Vegas, I get a phone call from him practically sobbing...his car was repo'd after he had lost his job a few months earlier, blah blah. I knew he was going through some really hard times. including a divorce. He's a good guy (or at least I thought so), and I knew he wouldn't ask me for money unless it was an absolute last resort. So, fine...I lend him $4k.

Fast forward to today...I still haven't seen a fucking penny of this come back my way. Not only that, but I know for a fact via facebook updates he's gone on vacations (but my aunt paid for those, not me! is his response). It's gotten to the point where I've even contacted an attorney, but being out of complicates things. Even if I won in small claims court, that's ony half the battle. Collection still isn't assured.

Really pisses me off when someone else takes advantage of a person willing to help you out of a major jam. If it wasn't for me, this fucking guy would probably have been living out of his car. One time in high school, I borrowed $5 from a guy for lunch. I told my dad about it, and he made me drive the $5 over to the guy's house that same night. Waiting until the next day wasn't an option. Why the hell can't more people honor debts like that?

New member
Jun 3, 2009
That story pisses me off just reading it. What did he say when you asked for the money back? This is what I hate about money lending and borrowing. Every story is the same. The person comes off humble and desperate when they ask for money, they get the money and then they never pay back but they keep buying things they don't need and it pisses off the person who lent the money.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
That story pisses me off just reading it. What did he say when you asked for the money back? This is what I hate about money lending and borrowing. Every story is the same. The person comes off humble and desperate when they ask for money, they get the money and then they never pay back but they keep buying things they don't need and it pisses off the person who lent the money.

My dad always said to me: Loan only money you can afford to lose.

I remember this girl I worked with once gave me a sob story and I am cold-hearted SOB when it comes to borrowing money. I said sorry, I am sure there is someone else that would be willing to loan you money. Her reaction was like nothing happened. I said what happened, you sob story isn't what you said it really is? She didn't say a fucking word.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
That story pisses me off just reading it. What did he say when you asked for the money back? This is what I hate about money lending and borrowing. Every story is the same. The person comes off humble and desperate when they ask for money, they get the money and then they never pay back but they keep buying things they don't need and it pisses off the person who lent the money.

You'll love this one. He tells me "I'm still not making a lot of money...only working part time. You know that. Besides, you have more money than I do right now. What's the big hurry?" Then he basically told me to go fuck myself. Whether I have more money isn't the point. If I borrowed four grand from Bill Gates, I can't just assume he'll forgive the debt because he's richer than I am.

At least this guy's brother is on my side and told me the welch is moving in about a month. So I'm going to wait for another month, then thinking about having an attorney write him a letter saying it's time to pay up. Really don't know what else to do. The good news is all this is documented in e-mail, so he can't just deny the debt exists. The bad news is he lives in North Carolina, a state which doesn't allow wage garnishment. So I guess I'll just have to settle for a lien on his shitty car. I'm not even sure it's worth it. Frankly, at this point I'm almost hoping he finds himself in another miserable financial situation and has no one else to turn to.

New member
Jun 3, 2009
You'll love this one. He tells me "I'm still not making a lot of money...only working part time. You know that. Besides, you have more money than I do right now. What's the big hurry?" Then he basically told me to go fuck myself. Whether I have more money isn't the point. If I borrowed four grand from Bill Gates, I can't just assume he'll forgive the debt because he's richer than I am.

At least this guy's brother is on my side and told me the welch is moving in about a month. So I'm going to wait for another month, then thinking about having an attorney write him a letter saying it's time to pay up. Really don't know what else to do. The good news is all this is documented in e-mail, so he can't just deny the debt exists. The bad news is he lives in North Carolina, a state which doesn't allow wage garnishment. So I guess I'll just have to settle for a lien on his shitty car. I'm not even sure it's worth it. Frankly, at this point I'm almost hoping he finds himself in another miserable financial situation and has no one else to turn to.

WOW! This is the type of guy who should have his legs broken. "What's the big hurry?" That deserves a beating.

New member
Jun 3, 2009
Just want to update everyone lol

I loaned the guy $300 4 years ago. 8 months later he gave back $140 and never got the rest.

May 7, 2016
Would these people lend YOU money if you were hurting? Never lend money. It breaks friendships and damages relationships. Many people borrow with the sincere intentions of paying it back but aren't able to. Then the other party gets angry and it's just a whole mess. I think most of us have been there.

I lent somebody 5000 one time. I knew for a fact it was an emergency. It took him 2 years to pay back 600 of it. Then he just stopped paying. Had to sue him eventually and won and put a lien on his car. Eventually I got the money back but what an ordeal. I could have afforded to lose the 4400 but it was the principle of it. A man always pays his debts. My father taught me that. You just pay your debts back even if you have to starve, not eat or work 2 or 3 jobs.

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