i will stay here until i put role "frames" tide is put in his place, u see in louisiana we are very corrupt..l:10 is best friends with the most powerfull dist atty in la 37 years in office who was room mate with buddy cardwell atty general
if i real want something bad he will help..like a full fbi report on weasel,big bang,sopranos etce lockline sports, working with his ex partner dana "rocky's inner circle" dey sto 250 k in da mid 80"s just on 900 numbers dey got caught one went east wyoming or hawaii and da je big bang is in nee jewsy now..
L:10 boiling hot not good for bashers!!
L:10 knows roll tide is behind all dis rubber room and avitar shit!! Now tell me how sharp i am to find dat shit out 3 days ago
y'all are phuckin with da wrong "coon ass" go back to 2009 -11 to see what l:10 is capaply of doing to bashibg assholes!!