I guess this is a math question to the forum:
assuming you can earn 50% of your investment within 48 hours....
1) How much money will you earn over one year (365 days)
2) What is your APR (annual percentage rate) for your return on investment?
Well ,I had a bunch of stuff going on and starting rushing alot,I also drank some during this period and played alot of $70 SNG's and Cashgames where I went crazy and started just throwing my money out like a madman.I know that sounds like a ridiculous excuss but it happened,I got off track.I am over that situation now.I am normally a very disciplined player.I am cool ,calm, and relaxed right now and I know I will make good on this loan to get me back on.I am not at X-Factor,is that a PokerSite?