A blogger says
"I am going to blame the Acting United States Attorney for Southern District of New York"
and baddabing, that proves it's all the wepubicans fault
not the asst US Atty who signed the paperwork and is not an appointee, but his boss
but not his boss's boss either, the the AG the US Atty reports too
and not his boss's boss's boss, the POTUS.
Lets sum this up, starting bottom to top
1) Asst US Attorney, not an appointee, who seized the assets (not his fault)
2) US Atty for Southern NY, a Republican appointee (his fault)
3) AG, the US Atty's boss, a Democratic appointee (not his fault)
4) POTUS, the AG's boss, (not his fault)
and I'm spinning, LOL
my guess is the lefties would blame the Republicans no matter which one of the four positions they occupied. Shit, they'd blame the Republicans even if everyone involved was a Democrat.
I don't like the bill signed by President Bush, I miss Neteller. But stop acting like this is a one party deal.