LMAO: Your Fearless Leader is afraid of us


role player
Sep 20, 2004
Candadien Prime Minstrel Paul Martin, hates America. He talks in tongues. When he speaks to the Immigrants in Canada, who hate America, he talks French. When he decides to turn on his English, he talks about strengthening the borders IF America is willing to be bribed. It's now obvious to me Ottawa may become the next Iraq. Fox News will prevent this. Canada will accept an allowance from the United States to baby their economy along and there will likely be Gaza strips all across the borders of the US-Canada border. This could have all been prevented had Canadiens exported more beer or if Canucks had any ambition.

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
JP - there are Canadiens who're ambitious and like to work - they're all living in America and doing quite well for themselves.

Every time I turn around there's another Canadien moving down here. Of course it's to get away from an oppressive system that rewards the non-working class and penalizes the working person.

Their loss is our gain.

Of course, when Doc and the rest of the malcontents move up there, I'd like to give the Canadiens a few welfare $ to keep them there.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
JP: you're confusing Martin with Chretien, who did hate you guys and was French. Martin parles en français rather well, but he's not a Francophone.

Blight: I have a date tomorrow night with a former American. He's been here for ten years now; he left because, as he put it, too many Yanks are dumb as rocks. Thanks for proving him wrong.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
xpanda said:
Blight: I have a date tomorrow night with a former American. He's been here for ten years now; he left because, as he put it, too many Yanks are dumb as rocks. Thanks for proving him wrong.

That's an awfully nice compliment to Blight....you aren't getting soft on us are you Xpanda?

And what's the deal with the protests? I was expecting to see so much more out of you guys?

New member
Sep 25, 2000
Are they going to drum up some sort of deal like during the campaign trail when Dubya had the crowd sorted out so the only ones who were around him were his supporters........

How many of these types is Dubya gonna have to take with him to drown out the boos?

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Shotgun said:
That's an awfully nice compliment to Blight....you aren't getting soft on us are you Xpanda?
You forget I'm a liberal ... I will always be soft.

And what's the deal with the protests? I was expecting to see so much more out of you guys?
I guess people didn't think the weasel was worth taking the day off work for.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
This guy is a real piece of work:

Canada urged to sign on to Bush's crusade
Last Updated Wed, 01 Dec 2004 13:13:44 EST

HALIFAX - U.S. President George W. Bush suggested Canada should take a more active role in his "war on terrorism" in a speech he gave in Halifax on Wednesday.

Three years after the worst-ever attacks against civilians on American soil, Bush said Canada had a duty to do more to ward off potential threats to North America.

He raised the example of a former prime minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King, who did not wait for Hitler's Nazis to attack Canada before sending troops to fight in the Second World War.

Bush quoted King's words directly: "We cannot defend our country and save our homes and families by waiting for our enemies to attack us. To remain on the defensive is the surest way to bring the war to Canada."

The president added: "Mackenzie King was correct then and we must always remember his words today... There is only one way to deal with enemies who plot in secret and set out to murder the innocent and the unsuspecting. We must take the fight to them."

He comes onto Canadian soil and proceeds to lecture us on not being involved enough?! What about Afghanistan? What about the $300 million we gave you for Iraq? What about the $450 million in debt relief we're providing to the Iraqis? What about our role in running the elections in Afghanistan and our commitment to do the same in Iraq?

THEN he proceeds to quote a great Canadian who defended our allies against a very real and present danger by comparing WWII to his adventure in Iraq?!? Mackenzie King would have been lambasted if he'd try to take out Hitler preemptively. Further, isn't this the same bloody war that y'all didn't join until three years after the rest of us?

What a disingenuous piece of work.

On top of all of this, he wasn't supposed to bring up BMD and he did anyway. Saying threats were 'inevitable' and we need to do this and do this now. Nice. Paul Martin specifically wanted this issue off the table because he does not want to make a decision for another year or so.

If Bush's intent was to help heal the rift between our two countries, he couldn't possibly have done a worse job. On my Canadian board, even the right-wingers are going mental.

What a dick.

role player
Sep 20, 2004
Rush Limbaugh said at noon today on his radio show it was a fantastic speech. One of Bush's best. I'll side with Rush over Canuck Right Wingers. HA
This ain't no foolin' around anymore. America is serious about the war on terrorism. The virgin count in heaven is getting very low. Either your with us or against us - slow learners up north, I guess.:nono5:

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