3-1, and done.SAR R6
#6 Braca - $20 Win
$4 exacta 6/1,3
$3 exacta 6/7,8
This is my pick of the day at the 4-1 morning line. Seeing him at 2-1 favoritism now justifies my morning 'capping, but not sure I love him as much as a favorite. If he doesn't win, I am calling it an afternoon and saving my bullets for tomorrow.
Yea. Heck of a ride. And like you said above - he loved the slop. Had the highest Tomlinson in the race and was running in the slop for the first time. Third lifetime race. Had speed in last. Got lucky.Trejos got cut off once, then again, deftly switched paths, and got him home - great ride. I love that kid. He doesn't get nearly enough good horses to ride.