RobFunk said:I will say that being shit faced and losing a huge bet absolutely sucks. You feel it when you lose, then you have to deal with it again when you sober up.
That is the absolute worst feeling in the world bar none. A few years back I used to play online poker, and when I came home from the bar, invariably I would try to play at a limit beyond my means. Sober I would play $1/2 limit hold'em, then I would come home bombed and be playing $10/20 before I knew it, blowing $500 or more in a night. Waking up the next day and coming to terms with what I did was a nightmare :nohead:
My negatives, in order from worst to least harmful, are as follows...
1. The possibility of long-term health effects.
2. Always feeling like shit, both physically and in terms of self-esteem.
3. Fighting with loved ones, i.e. domestic problems.
4. The feeling that I have not lived up to my potential, physically, emotionally, in my education and in my career because of excessive drinking.
5. Getting fat.
6. Spending ridiculous amounts of money on booze.
7. Making me lazy and complacent.
8. Missing work.
9. Not knowing who are your friends and who are your drinking buddies and not being able to distinguish between them.
10. Excessive gas :missingte
11. Going weeks at a time without shitting solid.
12. Having no appetite.
13. Spending too much time on it.
14. Not pursuing hobbies or interests because of #13 and #6.
15. Having a dirty house (if you are a drunk you will understand this one).
I could probably keep going here...
I don't drive drunk or make stupid decisions while drunk anymore (used to do both when I was younger), so legal repercussions are not a factor to me.
:monsters- Damn I need to quit drinking :missingte
Maybe just stick to the