You have to love this community college educated dummy logic. The Middle East is in flames and complete disaster, you abject idiot.
Regarding Iraq specifically, first, America wasn’t taking any sort of big casualties in Iraq between 2008-2011, so your whole premise has no currency. Secondly, if that is your measure of a “good” policy, then by any measure FDR’s presidency was a disaster as America took anywhere from 10 to 100 times the troop losses in single WWII battles than we did over 7 years in Iraq. Additionally, if preventing US troop deaths is your stated policy goal, then the logical extension of this is to not have a military at all assuring no troops will die.
Finally, it is quite telling you do not mention Afghanistan where more troops have died under Obama than under GW Bush. Of course you’re not even bringing that up or calling for the immediate troop withdrawal from that region, because, well, you’re a silly goof posting little kiddie logic on the Internet.