Like to introduce Proffesor J Money to the Rubber Room


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey J Money

You know why nobody cares about records down here? Because all of their records blow. You all call him an anal fag, but you seem to protect each other like a bunch of deadbeat faggots. Get some friends in real life assholes. OH and by the way Dick, I'm sorry I have to have sex with my wife. (I know you think that I like to talk about it; never mentioned her, but you keep bringing up), but actually its better than a blow up doll that you and Vegas share. Who gets sloppy seconds?
Hey Hacker

What's with all the sex talk dude. Are you Insecure about something.??

Nobody Insulted you asshole. You are the one who came aboard and started the lame flaming.

Grow up dipshit.

Shillboy- Here are the records. Notice your hero is in last place according to units. Now shut the fvck up, listen and learn.

PANTHER_____86-71____+7.9 UNITS________+7.9units
PATRICK MCIRISH__56-44__+7.7 UNITS___+7.7units
THEERODFATHER____32-24___+4.5 UNITS____+8.5units
HEINEKEN_____4-1_____+2.9 UNITS______+24.7 units
KODIAK___376-342____+0.8 UNITS____+966.95units
LOCKLINE_________0-1____-1.1 UNITS_____-1.1units
DOGBALL_____30-31____-4 UNITS_______-41.4unit
RPM________119-118____-5.6 UNITS______-5.6units
IDENTITY____35-41___-10 UNITS_______-22.7units
RX-MANIAC___116-120___-15.9 UNITS____+88.2units
NORTHERN ICE___68-81___-21.1 UNITS____-23.6units
JAKE THOMPSON__129-150__-34.05 UNITS__-29.51units

All posted plays by Raiders
NFL 53-29
CBB 95-88
NBA 14-5
NHL 3-4 (-1.25)

We have a couple of heavy hitters here. I wonder if they are Into teabagging. ??

I am laughing so hard, It took me almost 3 minutes to write these sentences.


New member
Sep 20, 2004

I'm not trying to impress anyone, especially not men in here. I played ball in high school and AAU. My AAU team was one that included division I stars, Mason from Virginia, Hall from Georgetown, and Edelin from Syracuse
Do you realize how arrogant and annoying you sound ? You questioned what DickyW did for a living? What do you do?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
When did I question what he did for a living? I am the only one of you guys in here that sounds arrogant? You guys act like you run the rubber room, and if someone else comes in here you jump on them. Peace.
This is your first post in the RR. There's more where you ask if Dicky is gay. Are you <intellectually> challenged in some way?

From JMoney


You know some people might think your points were valid if you knew some english. Use the money you save from not paying touts and learn some grammar.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I still do not know where it says or implies that I am asking what he does for a living? Peace
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by J. Money:


You know some people might think your points were valid if you knew some english. Use the money you save from not paying touts and learn some grammar.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You and your asshole sidekick Wianese Hacker came down here and started throwing Insults to the RR posters.

What the phuck do you epect us to do ?? Sit here and say "Thank You".

You are a bigger moron, than I Initialy thought. We treat people like they treat us. Dig !!!

This thread is HALARIOUS!!! I would have stayed at work late if I knew it was going to turn into this.

First of all Vegas, Raiders, Sea, and the rest thanks for the support.

J Money
I could care less about the flaming it's the RR do as you see fit. What annoyed me is you pissed on a good thread. After reading that entire thread with the dozens of responses all you can do is post a one sentence response pointing out spelling errors? Pretty ignorant don't you think? Jake started a thread with a interesting topic and he asked it to stay civil and other then Dogball and Pat going at it it was. I type fast and don't proof read, on top of that I am brutal with a computer, but I am still always willing to give an opinion on a topic. If all you get out of reading others posts is grammar errors I suggest you find another forum. Were gamblers here and the last thing we care about is grammar and spelling errors, winners, opinions, and imfo period. Now lets call a truce and move on if you want to give grammar lessons to someone look up the poster dennistheman.

What a little child you are! 25 posts and you waste one of them to defend your tout? Dogball is very capable of defending himself and does'nt need you. If you posted that you were pleased with the service he provided and just wanted to comfirm his winners FINE. No need to call another respected poster a bitch because he questions your tout.
You brought up your family champ, not me. Your the one that made the dumb statement about getting laid, not me. Your the one that made the degenerate statement about not being able to post because of family oblgations. I just found it funny that you had time to email dogball for his picks pick up the phone and call your bookmaker or jump online to make your plays.
Now if you will excuse me I have potatoes to peel before the lunch rush starts

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Dicky W

First of all I apologize for offending anyone in this forum. Your right I don't need to defend dogball, I just think that he is not in the same league as the guys you said you received picks from when you were young. Handicapping games does take more time than it takes to phone in bets or on the internet. I love to gamble and maybe sometime in the future, I will have time to do it right.

Anyways, I'm sorry again and I would like to let bygones be bygones and I sincerely hope you guys have an excellent night with your picks. I'm really not that much of an asshole; I was just more bored than anything yesterday. See Ya
I apologize as well, and should'nt have brought up family. Sometimes we all get carried away and forget this is only the internet. Thanks for accepting my apology and good luck.

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