Life expectancy and the quality of life at older ages has been increasing throughout history because


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Nah...I can recall anything you like...My life looks full to you because you reside in your parents basement.
You're sad reflective self loathing oozes some days, others manically not.

This is so easy, you are virtually transparent.

The projection is evident pal.....

I love how you are always on standby when you get into a forum back and forth with people....just sitting on pins and needles wating for a reply....

Doctor Love, Metro and others have you pegged for the insecure Little Man you are..PeeWee.....weird how someone so fullfilled and so happy with life has a need to impress random internet users ...



PS... I am indeed transparent as I have no hidden motives.... you got that part right about me.

Dec 13, 2007
The projection is evident pal.....

I love how you are always on standby when you get into a forum back and forth with people....just sitting on pins and needles wating for a reply....

Doctor Love, Metro and others have you pegged for the insecure Little Man you are.....weird how someone so fullfilled and so happy with life has a need to impress random internet users ...



PS... I am indeed transparent as I have no hidden motives.... you got that part right about me.
.guy who's here 24-7 taking full lives.
You sad fucker can't even get history straight, so good luck with the life.

Remember life the advise I gave you... give it a try.

"Listen kid...Take this for what it's worth.
Hopefully you've achieved something in life already personally for yourself or your family ..Houses, stocks, maybe a 401k secured a decent job and made connections. All that normal life stuff.
None of this will be possible till you get your head together..Tip never let an employer know your views because you will first get laughed at ,then fired...Basically my brother American you are down the road to becoming a complete social reject if you aren't already...My money is on you being virtually friendless, unemployed, broke and mostly desperate."

"There you have it ."

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Good lord..

Anyone who still believes these toxic jabs are "safe and effective" should seriously consider applying for Jen Psaki's job.

None of their claims pass scientific or legal muster - that's why their 'mandates' are getting tossed all over! That's why Big Pharma is getting sued out of their ass!

"Hey everyone! I just tested positive and am experiencing symptoms - thank god for science! Please get all your boosters!" - Random Dem Douchebag of the Day :rolleyes:

New Peer-Reviewed Study Finds Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine Protection Against Omicron Wanes Just a Week After Receiving Second and Third Dose

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Fucking pathetic, being kind here

I wonder what that crackhead Alex Jones thinks? we gotta know

Live your lives X-Hole wannabes, try to be happy, I know I am and I'm never ever taking advice from any of you

But please feel free to kick and scream. Kinda cute watching y'all saving the world

Sep 21, 2004
Gotta give Trump credit. He has become a religion to many on the right.

Can't fault a guy for lining his pockets playing off emotion.

Never misses passing around that collection plate. Along with the many in his congregation. :)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Real science is a bitch for people duped by...well, fake science (propaganda).

Neutralizing Antibodies Against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant (BA.1) 1 to 18 Weeks After the Second and Third Doses of the BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine​

No different than "climate change" - another massive slush fund for the WEF.

Follow the $$$.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Trump was 100% correct in the policy arena

Liberals and liberal policies are responsible for everything that's wrong today

Policy matters, that should be clear by now

Sep 21, 2004
Trump was 100% correct in the policy arena

Liberals and liberal policies are responsible for everything that's wrong today

Policy matters, that should be clear by now
No one is 100 percent correct on anything.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Gotta give Trump credit. He has become a religion to many on the right.

Can't fault a guy for lining his pockets playing off emotion.

Never misses passing around that collection plate. Along with the many in his congregation. :)
You're projecting.

Ever notice the left accuses everyone else of things they are actually DOING?

Favoring the rich (taxing little people with all their scams, while their foundations, institutes pay ZERO taxes)
Frying the planet (flying around in their private jets)
Russian collusion (Crooked Hillary colluded with Russia)
Election theft (Trump didn't win 2016 - Putin did it!)
Scamming gullible supporters

Trump doesn't want to take people's money, freedom and change their way of life because of some bullshit Globalist Crisis du Jour - YOU DO!

Make the mentally ill Swedish girl cry again! I'm totally convinced! Science!

Sep 21, 2004
You're projecting.

Did you ever notice the left accuses everyone else of things they are actually DOING?

Favoring the rich (taxing little people with all their scams, while their foundations, institutes pay ZERO taxes)
Frying the planet (flying around in their private jets)
Russian collusion (Crooked Hillary colluded with Russia)
Election theft
Scamming supporters

Trump doesn't want to take people's money, freedom and change their way of life because of some bullshit Globalist Crisis du Jour - YOU DO!

Make the Swedish girl again! I'm totally convinced! Science!
How much you contribute to that election defense fund of his?

I just find it funny and ironic that he was all ready to proclaim the cheating stuff in 2016 election same as 2020 but he accidentally won that one.

But carry on. :)

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
How much you contribute to that election defense fund of his?

But carry on. :)
Everything you believe in Vitty loves and supports - and you say he's a total idiot.

So what does that make you?

C'mon, make the Swedish cry again so the WEF and those NGOs nobody audits get rich! Because... Science!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You really have to be a gullible vittard to believe ANYTHING these criminals tell you!

If there is anyone still confused why ESG, and the entire "green" movement is one giant, boiling cauldron of lies, hypocrisy and fraud, read on.

Yachts and Private Jets To Be Exempt From EU's Carbon Pricing Plan​

They don't want "democracy", they want control of everything back to a feudal system. Kings ruling over peasants - a tale as old as time.

The American Revolution says, "FUCK YOU!"

Sep 21, 2004
Everything you believe in Vitty loves and supports - and you say he's a total idiot.

So what does that make you?

C'mon, make the Swedish cry again so the WEF and those NGOs nobody audits get rich! Because... Science!
No clue what your talking about Joe.

I call gamblers as i see them.

Doesn't mean shit in politics. Ur man Jdeuce ran away owing $500. BAS was another solid conservative scam artist.

Liberal/Conservative what ever. If they are a scam artist they are a scam artist.

Trump just reminds me of a degenerate gambler. He wants praise when/if he wins and deflects to cheating when he loses---so of course in warped mind he has never lost.

2016 he was going to proclaim election rigged also. Reminds me of a gambler that makes a bet. His team then trails by 20 in 4th. He then proclaims he isn't paying because of refs. His team comes back and wins and then he demands payment.

2020 he felt he had it won because his legal team forced many states to count same day ballots first before mail-ins proclaiming that counting mail-ins would suppress the same day voters because Trump would be way behind and the same day voters would feel their vote didn't matter. He won this battle then for some reason forgot that once mail-ins got counted he would be buried.
Texas was a great example. Mail-ins got counted first. Biden way ahead. Same day then got counted and Trump won the state handily.(his legal team didn't force Texas to count same day before mail-ins)

But as with anyone betting off emotion they quickly forget the stuff that doesn't fit the narrative of being cheated.

Me and my gambling analogies. :)

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
.guy who's here 24-7 taking full lives.
You sad fucker can't even get history straight, so good luck with the life.

Remember life the advise I gave you... give it a try.

"Listen kid...Take this for what it's worth.
Hopefully you've achieved something in life already personally for yourself or your family ..Houses, stocks, maybe a 401k secured a decent job and made connections. All that normal life stuff.
None of this will be possible till you get your head together..Tip never let an employer know your views because you will first get laughed at ,then fired...Basically my brother American you are down the road to becoming a complete social reject if you aren't already...My money is on you being virtually friendless, unemployed, broke and mostly desperate."

"There you have it ."
LOL,,,,,look who REALLY got a nerve pinched

Bozo the pathtic clown of the RX


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Fucking pathetic, being kind here

I wonder what that crackhead Alex Jones thinks? we gotta know

Live your lives X-Hole wannabes, try to be happy, I know I am and I'm never ever taking advice from any of you

But please feel free to kick and scream. Kinda cute watching y'all saving the world
Among the first set of documentsPfizer released is a 38 page report that includes 9 pages of adverse events of “special interest”.
In a list of almost 1,300 adverse events the first listed is 1p36 Deletion Syndrome which alters DNA.

1p36 deletion syndrome is a congenital genetic disorder characterized by moderate to severe intellectual disability, delayed growth, hypotonia, seizures, limited speech ability, malformations, hearing and vision impairment, and distinct facial features.

Now Im starting to get why previously reasonable people like BigWill are becoming stupider by the day
IT really is in the GENETICS


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Vitty's gambling fallacies are your political fallacies cruderube.

When people sue for real documents in court, your so called "science" gets exposed for the vacuous propaganda it is. Where the rubber meets the road - if you don't have the proper peer-reviewed documentation, away go the mandates and tin pot dictatorial policies. Masks; 6 feet apart; experimental vaxxes which are neither safe nor effective...all tossed!

If people eventually start suing over climate hysteria policies (they will), same will happen there. Show us the verified documents and untainted data - or fuck off! Unlike the EU that trample on people's rights imposing WEF dictates, the US Constitution still matters.

As for JDeuce, every single 'wager' I've ever witnessed in forums turns into a shit show. Whether it's real money or ban bets, whatever. So no judgement on my part - Deuce had me in stiches FOR YEARS with vittard...well worth the price of admission.

That's why I never took your election fraud bait despite your constant pleadings. You would not want to have a problem with me if you owed me money.

Soooo... in lieu of contributions to the Trump campaign which you inferred is a scam (projection again), kindly send me a donation for taking your head out of your ass!

Sep 21, 2004
As for JDeuce, every single 'wager' I've ever witnessed in forums turns into a shit show. Whether it's money or ban bets. So no judgement on my part - Deuce had me in stiches FOR YEARS with vittard...well worth the price of admission.
Very untrue. Jdeuce, Green Fruit.

Both low level broke scammers. Jdeuce got his in the end and took it like a man.

Fruit on here still whining. The former has a life the latter lives his life on here. One conservative one liberal.

Fruit serving his 48 hour ban right now. For being a piece of shit lying/scammer.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
2016 he was going to proclaim election rigged also. Reminds me of a gambler that makes a bet. His team then trails by 20 in 4th. He then proclaims he isn't paying because of refs. His team comes back and wins and then he demands payment.
You are a tad bit confused on 2016.....Hillary and Co DID cheat but not enough

They never thought she would lose.

and so they know they had to go over the top in 2020...that is why the whole thing about 81 milly vote Joe is so preposterous......

Yep , I get you choose willful ignorance on this subject so no sense in back and forth with you BUT
since Nothing Can Stop What is will soon have no choice to realize the TRUTH


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Among the first set of documentsPfizer released is a 38 page report that includes 9 pages of adverse events of “special interest”.
In a list of almost 1,300 adverse events the first listed is 1p36 Deletion Syndrome which alters DNA.

1p36 deletion syndrome is a congenital genetic disorder characterized by moderate to severe intellectual disability, delayed growth, hypotonia, seizures, limited speech ability, malformations, hearing and vision impairment, and distinct facial features.

Now Im starting to get why previously reasonable people like BigWill are becoming stupider by the day
IT really is in the GENETICS

Well, these experimental injections, which are NOT VACCINES, actually DO fuck with your genetics - savor that irony.

So if your doctor reassured you these jabs were "safe and effective", consider Pfizer and Moderna never even bothered sharing the data they are currently being sued for within the medical community.

So much for transparency and real science! Money talks, and bullshit...well, ya know.

Thank God for individual and legal rights in the United States in America.

Sep 21, 2004
I love when someone takes the kudos of being polarizing; but then gets upset when they feel the downside.

To continue with my gambling analogies.

A gambler wins a big bet chasing their losses---"I win cause I have no fear of losing!"
Same gambler does exact same thing but loses---"That was so stupid."

If you choose and take pleasure in being polarizing you shouldn't be upset when that flip side comes at you with full force.

Biden got 81 million because of a combination of people who liked him and people who hated trump.

If Trump was more centered maybe he wins the election but he also probably would have gotten fewer votes himself.

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