Hilarious...everyone says "We gotta do something"...but no one can come up with a reasonable conclusion.
I'm pretty sure the attack by those groups are against government dollars being used on Planned Parenthood. You are so dumb you conclude that conservatives are trying to overturn abortion. Please, list name the Repubs who have put forth a ban on abortion to the House or Senate over the past 20 years.
I'll be waiting. By the way, those videos are exposing a crime which is the selling of human body parts. It is illegal to do so, yet we fund it through our tax dollars.
That is the argument, but in your twisted, demented perverted liberal mind, you try to defend your party and it's sickening behavior by claiming "people are trying to ban abortion"
Fuck you liberals are stupid.
Or likely an even more common flawed premise:
The 'death' experience is something bad
I see our shared neighbors in 'Bama have passed laws demanding photo ID to vote and next week will close 90% of the DMV offices that serve mostly nigs.
Smart tactic as it may withstand judicial overthrow until after Nov 2016
You went full retard, man. Never go full retard.
Faulty Logic 201:
The only solution we can come up with is to spend 40 years fighting against a law that will not change. We could have instead spent all those resources fighting against unwanted pregnancies and actually done something to stop that number from growing so high
Its funny how this is post #12 in the thread, but all the conservatives, especially GasMan, the OP and the quoted poster, ignore it for the next 15 posts in the thread.
Yeah he sure did....I remember he said the unborn was like a bug you squash on the sidewalk but I dont think he really meant that just trying to agitate others which he succeded in doing..barbanman always gets some perverse pleasure out of abortions, not sure why, but they sure do turn him on
I see our shared neighbors in 'Bama have passed laws demanding photo ID to vote and next week will close 90% of the DMV offices that serve mostly nigs.
Smart tactic as it may withstand judicial overthrow until after Nov 2016
Its funny how this is post #12 in the thread, but all the conservatives, especially GasMan, the OP and the quoted poster, ignore it for the next 15 posts in the thread.
What should they have said in response? It's an opinion Tommy Boy shared that deals in generalities rather than specifics. Saying we should spend those resources on "fighting against unwanted pregnancies" is different than sharing what we should be spending those resources on. As Willie said, what should we be spending more on? More birth control? You always pop in here with some dumb quip then disappear when it's proven just how dumb your quip is. I would expect the same to happen again.