\Fee"ble-mind"ed\, a.
Weak in intellectual power; wanting firmness or constancy;
irresolute; vacilating; imbecile. ``comfort the
feeble-minded.'' --1 Thess. v. 14. -- {Fee"ble-mind"ed*ness},
:think: - it actually might happen hno: , when you didn't think it through and it actually happened and it sucks so then you get the :finger: from life itself and then you begin to :think: ; hno: not again, another hair brained idea, didn't you learn from the first mistake.
Stop trying so hard let life give you what you should have, good things come to those who wait.
I'm not a perfect person. there's many things i wish i didnt do
but i continue learning. i never meant to do those things to you.
and so i have to say before i go, that i just want you to know