If #SleepyJoe does not concede he is implicated by deed & WORDS in the insurrection which is the attempted theft, with foreign assistance, of the 2020 Presidential Election.
He has already ADMITTED to being part of the largest "election fraud in the history of American politics."
Dude u are so delusional it’s sad
either the weed has fried ur brain or u live under a rock
i imagine both , ur ignorance has been brought out on this forum
Trump being handed his pink slip today. 2 week notice to get the fuck out of the WH.
Voters spoke. Trump lost. Move on or leave the country if you don’t like the results.
Stevie Ray so upset he can’t even eat his bologna sandwich his mama made for lunch.
"consent of the govt" implies that youre either going to have a civil war or leave. If this group of flag boys is your civil war then OK.
It is laugh out loud funny to me that people are still pretending @JoeBiden
had more support in this country than @realDonaldTrump