Many of you have just now awakened… you cannot wake up and pick up from the date you woke up… you MUST go to the ORIGIN.
President Trump declared THREE National Emergencies that Congress failed to address to the Nation which was THREE National Security Breaches.
One in Executive Order 13848 and two verbally in March 2020.
National Emergencies must be addressed by Congress ?? THAT Congress ?? not today’s Congress.
The ONLY person who can terminate a National Emergency is the PRESIDENT when Congress FAILS to address them which is found in Title 50 Chapter 34:
The FAILURE to address THREE National Emergencies gave President Trump the Power via:
Article II of the Constitution
Emergency Powers of the President
War Powers of the President
Executive Order 12148
National Emergencies Act
The Stafford Act
Executive Order 13912
Executive Order 13919
Executive Order 13848 (National Emergency)
Two Verbal National Emergencies declared March 13 & 27, 2020
Extending his powers by FEDERALIZING the National Guard to Active Duty to ADDRESS the National Security breaches and threats to our Nation.
The ??SAME?? the Constitutional Powers President Franklin D. Roosevelt used in WWII… as he was Prez 13 years and died in office.
President Trump also FEDERALIZED 1 MILLION National Guard to Active Duty for no more than 365 ??CONSECUTIVE?? days meaning continuous Operation until completed and National Emergencies TERMINATED according to Federal Law…
Those National Emergencies have NOT been terminated ?? Operations still going as you saw Fox News article on November 5, 2022, saying 14 states are using National Guard Cybersecurity teams for the Elections which also FINITELY aligns with 11.5 in the Law of War Manual ?? 5:5.
38 National Guard cyber units provide support against issues, like network assessments and risk mitigation
Title 10 specifically says the National Guard is a ??state-based?? military force that becomes part of the reserve components of the United States Army and the United States Air Force when ??activated?? for ??federal?? missions.
ONLY the ??PRESIDENT?? can Federalize the National Guard to Active Duty as written in the same TITLE 10 Chapter 12406:
President Donald John Trump Federalized the National Guard to Active Duty as written in Executive Order 13912 March 27, 2020:
Executive Order 13912:
And also 10 US Code Chapter 1209:
Americans visually saw this ACTION as you witnessed 35,000 PLUS National Guard roll into D.C. On January 17, 2021…
Who was the freakin’ President on January 17, 2021… it’s not that difficult ?
‘Cans visually witnessed a FENCE placed around the Capitol Building which is outlined in 47 US Code 606 ??titled?? “War Powers of the President” in which he can close Government Use of Facilities:
Then apply those simultaneously with EO 13848.
Executive Order 13848 declared a National Emergency AND an Election Fraud Committee and how they would report to the President all in ONE order signed September 12, 2018, which specifically states:
(e) the term “United States election” means any election for Federal office held on, or after, the date of this order;
(h) the term “covert,” with respect to an action or attempted action, means characterized by an intent or apparent intent that the role of a foreign government will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly; and
And where the Maritime Law comes into the equation along with the ??THOUSANDS?? of Maritime Patrol Aircrafts that have been in the skies globally EVERY single day since January 2021 is:
(i) blocking and prohibiting all transactions in a person's property and interests in property subject to United States ??jurisdiction??;
The United States has two faint gray lines around the borders in the oceans and gulf.
The lighter gray = state Maritime Borders ?? Jurisdiction
The darker gray = United States Maritime Border ?? Jurisdiction
Gold-Fringed Flag = Admiralty Court ?? Admiral ?? Navy ?? Water ?? Law of Water = Maritime Law
HOW did President Trump know to pass into immediate Law an Executive Order with a National Emergency and Election Fraud Committee with all of those clauses two years before Covid and Presidential Election?
President Trump stepped down as President on January 20 and stepped up as Commander-in-Chief… via Emergency Powers and War Powers of the President as all other Presidents had the ??same?? powers.
Origin matters.
The National Emergencies have NOT been terminated… therefore those Military Orders have NOT been rescinded.
You’re under a Military Occupancy ??until both?? have been addressed.
“Biden, Harris, Pelosi”, and MANY more are all actors and actresses, if you cannot see so, you need an eye doctor ?????? yesterday.
The rest of Congress etc. are all in a COG (Continuation of Government) and Commonwealth Act 671 scenario, as used in WWII, and you will see the grand finale in the Tribunals which are addressed in our Constitution and the Military Tribunal Handbook:
772 pages, ENJOY:
As the New York Times reported are coming in Mid-2023:
Lead, follow, or get out the way.