Let Colin Kaepernick tell you why he protested the anthem


Sep 21, 2004
Odd, who was the first to attack someone in this thread again? Presumably because I'm not in lockstep with you?

I can only surmise from your responses that you don't like me actually citing Kaepernick, using his own words

What am I supposed to think?

You referring to "this guy again" as you came into every thread with the same venting posts? Then your response was something along the lines that i should start breaking windows and throwing stones at people i perceived as white supremacists.

That seems like logical response to what i wrote to you? Seems like group think and to attacked anyone that isn't in exact compliance.

Apr 29, 2019
Willie you must be a terrible person. I hope you don't have kids. The world is changing. We were wrong 50, 100, 200, years ago. A black person NEVER GOT A FAIR SHARE. You were pulled over just because you were black, and it still happens today. I just wish for a day , or a week you would put yourself in a black person shoes. Every single person from every sport, should take a knee, the first game. While this change is going on what do you tell your kids. Black people never got a fair share at jobs. Just because the color of skin, is that fair. There are trash white people too in this world and they don't get treated like blacks. Wake up WILLIE, before it is too late. I do feel sorry for your whole family. People like you shouldn't be aloud to celebrate FATHERS DAY.

Mar 6, 2005
By oppress, I'm sure he meant the white man making it very easy for blacks to become millionaires by putting round balls through round hoops and writing words that rhyme. I'm sure he didn't mean the Democrat policies of the last 50 years that have kept blacks in an endless cycle of poverty by allowing their cities to become crime ridden murder capitals, where blacks have been trained to sit on a stoop all day, drinking 40s, buying lottery tickets, grifting, and waiting for their next taxpayer funded government check that Democrats promised them would keep coming as long as they keep voting Democrat.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
A gay liberal, socialist and fascist walk in a bar.

The bartender says "Hey Crudebar!"
Feb 6, 2007
The Trump campaign also published on Facebook an ad with images of a red triangle that mirrored the patches Nazis used to mark political prisoners in concentration camps. The ads apparently ran 88 times—88 is code for Heil Hitler-- and Facebook later removed the ads for promoting “organized hate.”

Parker Molloy, editor at Media Matters, noted that this sort of dog whistle is designed to attract like-minded racists, but also to make opponents seem “paranoid, easily offended, and see Nazis everywhere they look.” She also suggested that this was a deliberate attempt to avoid having to pay for more ads because media would pick up the story and run with it. “It’s expensive to run ads,” she wrote, “but media coverage is free.” She noted that it’s far cheaper to run something offensive, get banned, and then cry “censorship--” which feeds the right-wing’s existing narrative-- than it is to pay for ads.

So it was a chaotic day, and a confusing one, but the fact that the Trump campaign is openly sharing Nazi symbols suggests that the lines of the election are becoming very clear indeed.

Jesus Christ

New member
Nov 29, 2006
Trump by a landslide....better get use to it Mobbie.

There will be weeping in the streets among liberals.

Sep 21, 2004
A gay liberal, socialist and fascist walk in a bar.

The bartender says "Hey Crudebar!"


Though i think you meant to say "a gay liberal, a socialist and a fascist walk into a bar" that way it sounds more like 3 people before u get to the punch line.
Feb 6, 2007
Trump by a landslide....better get use to it Mobbie.

There will be weeping in the streets among liberals.

There will be an impeachment that follows.

There’s only one way he can win at this point in time and that’s by cheating. Lot can happen in 4 months but he’s going to need something to go his way. Right now nothing is.
Feb 6, 2007
I mean the guy is asking every white supremacist Nazi to please vote for him. Its remarkable to know who really his audience is.
Nov 8, 2012
Willie you must be a terrible person. I hope you don't have kids. The world is changing. We were wrong 50, 100, 200, years ago. A black person NEVER GOT A FAIR SHARE. You were pulled over just because you were black, and it still happens today. I just wish for a day , or a week you would put yourself in a black person shoes. Every single person from every sport, should take a knee, the first game. While this change is going on what do you tell your kids. Black people never got a fair share at jobs. Just because the color of skin, is that fair. There are trash white people too in this world and they don't get treated like blacks. Wake up WILLIE, before it is too late. I do feel sorry for your whole family. People like you shouldn't be aloud to celebrate FATHERS DAY.

If educated, they will have an ADVANTAGE as companies LOVE diversity

New member
Nov 29, 2006
Not good to wear baggy pants down to your knees for an interview.

Being able to read is also a plus.....

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
I do feel sorry for your whole family. People like you shouldn't be aloud to celebrate FATHERS DAY.
attending class the day they taught the difference between allowed and aloud would also help

and please don't feel sorry for Will's family. Your poor wife and kid ended up with a minimum wage earning, hate-filled victim with a gambling problem and a lottery addiction spending 20% of his daily earnings on the NJ pick-3. I'm sure the toddler is proud that big daddy is threatening anonymous posters on the internet and challenging them to mall parking lot fights.

it's never too late, bengazi. Commit to change, read a book, stop buying lottery tickets, forget about betting on NFL, see a social worker. we're in this together ;)

Mar 5, 2009
attending class the day they taught the difference between allowed and aloud would also help

and please don't feel sorry for Will's family. Your poor wife and kid ended up with a minimum wage earning, hate-filled victim with a gambling problem and a lottery addiction spending 20% of his daily earnings on the NJ pick-3. I'm sure the toddler is proud that big daddy is threatening anonymous posters on the internet and challenging them to mall parking lot fights.

it's never too late, bengazi. Commit to change, read a book, stop buying lottery tickets, forget about betting on NFL, see a social worker. we're in this together ;)
Pretty much sums it up

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Willie you must be a terrible person. I hope you don't have kids. The world is changing. We were wrong 50, 100, 200, years ago. A black person NEVER GOT A FAIR SHARE. You were pulled over just because you were black, and it still happens today. I just wish for a day , or a week you would put yourself in a black person shoes. Every single person from every sport, should take a knee, the first game. While this change is going on what do you tell your kids. Black people never got a fair share at jobs. Just because the color of skin, is that fair. There are trash white people too in this world and they don't get treated like blacks. Wake up WILLIE, before it is too late. I do feel sorry for your whole family. People like you shouldn't be aloud to celebrate FATHERS DAY.

Married 36 years, my wife retired from a job she hated and works for me full time, loves the life I've given her. My kids are both successful beyond belief. Educated, personable. great family people, tons of friends and they enjoy hanging with me. My daughter is a UConn season ticket holder with me and we travel to road games for the Patriots. My son invited me to Las Vegas to watch his college roommate graduate from the Air Force Special Weapons program. Most of their friends and many of their colleagues are clients of mine. I'm both a father and a friend to them, something I doubt you'll ever achieve.

They both made more money than you the day they graduated. They borrow money, they pay it back. My daughter is the lead PA for her group in ortho surgery, base salary 165,000. My son works for one of the leading hedge fund managers in the country, makes north of 200,000. He receives year end bonuses as well as retainer bonuses which alone exceed your annual salary.

Neither of my parents had a high school diploma, but they made sure I went to college even though it took me 6 years because I was unfocused as a kid. But I grew up. I lived in the fucking projects as a child, I am the american dream and I raised my kids to be upstanding citizens which you only dream about when you're stoned.

My parents set the table, I elevated it, my kids are taking it to the next level.

You know nothing about me, you and your ilk can't comprehend the truth.

I love this game, my signature says it all

Apr 29, 2019
Pump your chest a little harder. Do you think just because you have money, or your kids have money that you did things right? I don't care about money. My kids know the struggles of black people and aren't racist.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
You want to make my family, my kids, my best friends laugh hysterically?

Tell them about my "white privilege", even my wife gets a laugh out of that and she'd prefer to bust my balls. I guess she has to draw the line somewhere

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Willie you must be a terrible person. I hope you don't have kids. The world is changing. We were wrong 50, 100, 200, years ago. A black person NEVER GOT A FAIR SHARE. You were pulled over just because you were black, and it still happens today. I just wish for a day , or a week you would put yourself in a black person shoes. Every single person from every sport, should take a knee, the first game. While this change is going on what do you tell your kids. Black people never got a fair share at jobs. Just because the color of skin, is that fair. There are trash white people too in this world and they don't get treated like blacks. Wake up WILLIE, before it is too late. I do feel sorry for your whole family. People like you shouldn't be aloud to celebrate FATHERS DAY.
The way I judge the character of a man is by how his children grow up. They can grow
up to be productive citizens or bums. Both of Willie's kids are productive citizens.

Married, raising families of their own. And their children will grow up to productive
citizens also. The cycle will continue.

Then you have men who are fathers only because they reproduce and move on to the next
dumb bitch. They are bums. Their children will be bums and the cycle will continue.

Who would you rather have as a father, Willie or a bum?

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
As with everything in life, libtard nation likes to rewrite history to their liking, so here's the actual quote. Hint, yes he's protesting the flag and yes he actually thinks this country oppresses people. HE SAID SO

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"


This is hilarious. It is things like this that show how stupid all Liberals are.

New member
Apr 7, 2016
Willie you must be a terrible person. I hope you don't have kids. The world is changing. We were wrong 50, 100, 200, years ago. A black person NEVER GOT A FAIR SHARE. You were pulled over just because you were black, and it still happens today. I just wish for a day , or a week you would put yourself in a black person shoes. Every single person from every sport, should take a knee, the first game. While this change is going on what do you tell your kids. Black people never got a fair share at jobs. Just because the color of skin, is that fair. There are trash white people too in this world and they don't get treated like blacks. Wake up WILLIE, before it is too late. I do feel sorry for your whole family. People like you shouldn't be aloud to celebrate FATHERS DAY.
nobody cares about anything from you...except about that lawsuit

May 17, 2015
Willie you must be a terrible person. I hope you don't have kids. The world is changing. We were wrong 50, 100, 200, years ago. A black person NEVER GOT A FAIR SHARE. You were pulled over just because you were black, and it still happens today. I just wish for a day , or a week you would put yourself in a black person shoes. Every single person from every sport, should take a knee, the first game. While this change is going on what do you tell your kids. Black people never got a fair share at jobs. Just because the color of skin, is that fair. There are trash white people too in this world and they don't get treated like blacks. Wake up WILLIE, before it is too late. I do feel sorry for your whole family. People like you shouldn't be aloud to celebrate FATHERS DAY.

Skin color is just an excuse, the nature really makes people despise you

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