It might be more intresting if you two switch and Willie takes the toke and barman takes the shot I'd be the judge if you two want
heh....Well, it would be over pretty darn quick because I've learned through many years of hard experience that six shots of liquor in sixty minutes would put me just about under the table.....ten in 100 minutes for sure.
Meanwhile, though Willie would be Extremely Fucking Stoned after ten medicinal cannabis tokes in 100 minutes, the biggest challenge he would face would not be solving mental puzzles or negotiating physical parlor tricks. He would likely be able to accomplish both with no trouble save for perhaps wanting to giggle before each answer.
Instead, he would be pestering everyone around him to get him in front of some high quality pizza, pastries, cookies, ice cream, potato chips, BBQ, fried chicken, donuts and ice cream.
And he would be demanding that the jukebox be checked because "all those classic rock songs are taking twice as long as what I remember"