Lefties: Winning the battle on this forum!!!


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
RobFunk said:
No, that is not true. When there was a post of an Iraqi sniper killing lots of Americans, the panic from Doc was unmistakable. "OMG what the hell is this? Get these kids home!" or something like that.

In your dreams.

Here's a newsflash for all the "anti-war" poseurs: when a psycho tinpot dictator kills 1 million people, 'war' is long overdue. There is no exaggerating the fact Saddam was ruthless and constantly up to no good. By vehemently opposing his removal, by advocating a previous status-quo, one becomes no different (and certainly no better) than those evil Bush worshippers. Pretending to be 'neutral' conveniently perched on an imaginary self-righteous throne without as much as acknowledging the 'other' reality, is the epidemy of disingenuity and ignorance. You'll notice most of the "anti-war" crowd never bang on about the “killing” (genocide) ongoing in Darfur -- for very good reason. Reality cramps their peace loving fantasies. Therefore, if it's not ongoing in their living room, or front page news, it doesn't exist.

"The kids" knew the dangers of the mission. They were briefed and well aware of the 1525 reasons for invading Iraq. By not supporting or respecting their choice, you not only dishonor their mission they were willing to die for, you provide the enemy with false hope. I mean, who do our enemies hate more? George Bush? Stephen Harper? Or Michael Moore? They love the Moore groupies like Doc Mercer because they have so much in common: both think AMERICA are the bad guys; AMERICA are the 'aggressors.'

So keep up the great work! Mean spirited dissent on the home front, carrying peace placards, and incessantly carping about Abu Ghraib, and Guantanamo, are always great morale boosters for the Jihadists. They too are hoping for a Democrat victory parade

New member
Sep 27, 2004
Joe Contrarian said:
In your dreams.

Here's a newsflash for all the "anti-war" poseurs: when a psycho tinpot dictator kills 1 million people, 'war' is long overdue. There is no exaggerating the fact Saddam was ruthless and constantly up to no good. By vehemently opposing his removal, by advocating a previous status-quo, one becomes no different (and certainly no better) than those evil Bush worshippers. Pretending to be 'neutral' conveniently perched on an imaginary self-righteous throne without as much as acknowledging the 'other' reality, is the epidemy of disingenuity and ignorance. You'll notice most of the "anti-war" crowd never bang on about the “killing” (genocide) ongoing in Darfur -- for very good reason. Reality cramps their peace loving fantasies. Therefore, if it's not ongoing in their living room, or front page news, it doesn't exist.

"The kids" knew the dangers of the mission. They were briefed and well aware of the 1525 reasons for invading Iraq. By not supporting or respecting their choice, you not only dishonor their mission they were willing to die for, you provide the enemy with false hope. I mean, who do our enemies hate more? George Bush? Stephen Harper? Or Michael Moore? They love the Moore groupies like Doc Mercer because they have so much in common: both think AMERICA are the bad guys; AMERICA are the 'aggressors.'

So keep up the great work! Mean spirited dissent on the home front, carrying peace placards, and incessantly carping about Abu Ghraib, and Guantanamo, are always great morale boosters for the Jihadists. They too are hoping for a Democrat victory parade
I agree. But the part you miss is that we won the war. I repeat - we won the war! Saddam and his evil kids and friends are gone. We literally got like 1800 to 2000 soldiers killed AFTER we won the war. Stuff that in your pipe. If you're not protesting this war you are just as bad as Bush!

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
I agree. But the part you miss is that we won the war. I repeat - we won the war! Saddam and his evil kids and friends are gone. We literally got like 1800 to 2000 soldiers killed AFTER we won the war. Stuff that in your pipe. If you're not protesting this war you are just as bad as Bush!

I'm glad you agree, Capn. I always have considered you as one of the few who ultimately could be reasoned with. It's the impulsive Turd Spammy pom-pom waving in between we could all do without. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
As for the latest Democrat politically opportunistic brain fart ("cut'n run") the vacuum created by removing Saddam means the Taliban are inching to take over. We'd be right back in the thick of it 5-10 years down the road -- probably after the next 9/11. We all have no choice, mate. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
What do liberals have against ultimate victory? Lefties are like the proverbial "nice-guy" who wines and dines a woman, sends her flowers and poetry, but can't/won't close the deal. They have a defeatist subconscious block making them feel guilty if they "make a move." And we know the nice guy's timidity causes him to be tossed into the 'friend' category, becoming the object of his desire's emotional tampon. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Whether it's the NSA spying, The Patriot Act, <st1:City w:st="on">Guantanamo</st1:City>, <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Abu Ghraib</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Iraq</st1:country-region></st1:place>...liberals are hell bent on losing this war. For a brief moment after 9/11, there was unity. But liberals have forgotten 911. They have forgotten the consequences of "killing'em tomorrow." And so they are right back it, more vocal and obnoxious than ever, doing everything in their power to sabotage success -- ultimate victory. Just listen to them.

It's quite baffling (and VERY disturbing) to watch, actually. <o:p></o:p>

New member
Sep 27, 2004
Joe Contrarian said:
I'm glad you agree, Capn. I always have considered you as one of the few who ultimately could be reasoned with. It's the impulsive Turd Spammy pom-pom waving in between we could all do without. <?xml:namespace prefix = o /><o:p></o:p>
As for the latest Democrat politically opportunistic brain fart ("cut'n run") the vacuum created by removing Saddam means the Taliban are inching to take over. We'd be right back in the thick of it 5-10 years down the road -- probably after the next 9/11. We all have no choice, mate. <o:p></o:p>
What do liberals have against ultimate victory? Lefties are like the proverbial "nice-guy" who wines and dines a woman, sends her flowers and poetry, but can't/won't close the deal. They have a defeatist subconscious block making them feel guilty if they "make a move." And we know the nice guy's timidity causes him to be tossed into the 'friend' category, becoming the object of his desire's emotional tampon. <o:p></o:p>
Whether it's the NSA spying, The Patriot Act, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 /><st1:City w:st="on">Guantanamo</st1:City>, <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Abu Ghraib</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">Iraq</st1:country-region></st1:place>...liberals are hell bent on losing this war. For a brief moment after 9/11, there was unity. But liberals have forgotten 911. They have forgotten the consequences of "killing'em tomorrow." And so they are right back it, more vocal and obnoxious than ever, doing everything in their power to sabotage success -- ultimate victory. Just listen to them.

It's quite baffling (and VERY disturbing) to watch, actually. <o:p></o:p>
I have no problem going after bad guys and killing them but what we are doing is cultivating terrorists now, we are cultivating them for future generations of terrorists to come and a future of terrorists we cannot even possibly know when.. ,especially when dealing with a mentality of people who prefer to live in caves. We're fighting them in their backyard and they are calling the shots. You guys need to realize this, admit to a failed policyand get these good soldiers out harm's way before they get killed for a failed policy.

New member
Sep 27, 2004
Sorry about previous post, computer or whatever would not let me edit, it kept knocking out words, so I gave up and sent it the way it was. Frustrating, but you'll figure it out, I'm sure.

Sep 22, 2004
Just tell it how it is Mr Crunch.

"Sorry guys. I'm drunk and spilt some alchoholic green stuff I found in the booze cupboard all over the damned keyboard"

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
I have no problem going after bad guys and killing them

Whew! Now that's a relief.

but what we are doing is cultivating terrorists now, we are cultivating them for future generations of terrorists to come and a future of terrorists we cannot even possibly know when..

Cultivating terrorists? Where did that John Kerry soundbyte come from? We're killing them, Capn. Every day, one by one, making this Jihad thing awfully uncool and uncomfortable for the new recruits -- or what's left of them. Capn, if someone commits a murder at home and we capture him, that's one less murderer we have to worry about. We're "not creating more murderers" by locking them up (ridiculous). In fact, if you look at the surveys, Bin Laden's popularity has nosedived in the ME, compared to say, Sept 11th 2001. If we are losing how come Bin Laden isn't attacking us the way he did during the 90s, under Clintons watch? Everyone loves a winner, Capn. Before 9/11, Saddam, Bin Laden...all these ME big shots were the envy of the Muslim world. Now they've been humiliated. Saddam was publicly deloused and is behind bars and Bin Laden's infomercials while cowering in a cave somewhere don't exactly inspire confidence in the faithful, now do they? Honor in the Muslim world is everything and right now these thugs (and their 'cause') have none. Why take our foot off the snake?

especially when dealing with a mentality of people who prefer to live in caves.

Who only understand one language: violence.

We're fighting them in their backyard and they are calling the shots.

Oh, that's good. Let's fight them here instead, with our firefighters, police and paramedics, like we did on 9/11. That's much better! But hey, at least we'll have the home field advantage, right Capn? :wierdo:

You guys need to realize this, admit to a failed policy and get these good soldiers out harm's way before they get killed for a failed policy.

As opposed to you getting killed for a much worse ("if we can kill'em tomorrow") policy? What are you saying Capn? Are you saying you'd rather get your ass kicked on home field with your 5th starter, than win on the road with your ace? :icon_conf

Is that a moonbat in my sites?
Oct 20, 2001
I agree. But the part you miss is that we won the war. I repeat - we won the war! Saddam and his evil kids and friends are gone. We literally got like 1800 to 2000 soldiers killed AFTER we won the war. Stuff that in your pipe. If you're not protesting this war you are just as bad as Bush!

Cap'n - get a history book and read about Germany and Japan after the war. Both had insurgencies.

Remember that terrorism doesn't have borders, and the terroriists and insurgents in Iraq are running out of time, ammo and bodies.

Of course, this crap gives you more ammo for your hate Bush gun to shoot - so you just love it.

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
Darwinian said:
Try and win an election, that is more important. fool

LOL. A phoney calling people fools...


Long live Freedom of Speech
Sep 20, 2004
our decorated war veteran speaks

Ignorance 101
bblight said:
Cap'n - get a history book and read about Germany and Japan after the war. Both had insurgencies.

Remember that terrorism doesn't have borders, and the terroriists and insurgents in Iraq are running out of time, ammo and bodies.

Of course, this crap gives you more ammo for your hate Bush gun to shoot - so you just love it.
the more you express yourself to this forum the more you SHOW your ignorance and stupidity......

Snatches Defeat from the Jaws of Victory...
Apr 9, 2006
Wait just one God D**N second. Yungbuck is in the house now!!!!!
I'm fresh back from a week of working, loving, and leaving in the city of Cashville in the Dirty Dirty South!!!
Just bought a couple of new books. Banana Republicans, by Sheldon Rampton & John Stauber, looks like a beaute! I also got some book about painkillers and a cookbook by Emeril(LOL)! I'm fixin to give "Banana" a read, and then I'll be loaded with shit to rage about!!
Got me a new Vince Young jersey, got some ass this week, and I'm ready to fight for the liberal cause this weekend!!!

GB Bandits in tha House!!!!
Biden in '08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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