LeBron won't play if Sterling refuses to sell


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Koby Bryant was prepared to set up a temporary loan company for the NBA players when they had that lockout a few years ago. That should give you a hint where some of these NBA players stand with their finances. The paycheck to paycheck thing may be a little over exaggerated, but I guarantee you a few weeks turning into months would be a REAL problem for many of these players.

It already happened just 3 years ago. They lost almost 2 months worth of income. I'm not saying there aren't players that are in financial trouble, but to say that most are living paycheck to paycheck like a janitor who would be without food if they missed a paycheck is ridiculous. That's why I ask what is the criteria. As I've referenced elsewhere one of the criteria I have seen is that you are living paycheck to paycheck if you do not have more than 6 months of expenses in a savings account.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
Koby Bryant was prepared to set up a temporary loan company for the NBA players when they had that lockout a few years ago. That should give you a hint where some of these NBA players stand with their finances. The paycheck to paycheck thing may be a little over exaggerated, but I guarantee you a few weeks turning into months would be a REAL problem for many of these players.

It isn't over-exaggerated. You know many guys had to borrow money.

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
I'll further clarify with an analogy. It's like I had a favorite corner bar where I liked to stop in and shoot the shit. Everyone got along and times were good. Then some stupid little fucks started coming in every day and butting into our conversations, getting in fights about nothing in particular.

Should I now start going to another bar? No, the regulars in the bar should band together and drive you stupid fucks away. That, or management (mods in this analogy)...but unfortunately the bar isn't doing so well lately so management is turning a blind eye. The problem there is all the regulars are going to be driven away, and when business picks back up again management is going to look around and realize there's nothing left but dumb fucks and their establishment has turned into a freak show.

That's YOU akphidelt. You are the douchebag in the bar that nobody likes and everybody wishes would just go away. How does it feel?

For some reason you seem to get off on that, maybe severe psychological problems, I don't know. Either way what a pathetic life it must be. "Oh I'm going to go argue with acebb at therx some more today." I can picture you sitting in front of your computer, hitting refresh, coming up with your next stellar retort. What a fucking joke.

New member
Sep 19, 2005
It doesn't matter whether they live paycheck to paycheck or not (I have no idea what the % is as I didn't make the statement).

It doesn't matter because they will not boycott.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
That's YOU akphidelt. You are the douchebag in the bar that nobody likes and everybody wishes would just go away. How does it feel?

For some reason you seem to get off on that, maybe severe psychological problems, I don't know. Either way what a pathetic life it must be. "Oh I'm going to go argue with acebb at therx some more today." I can picture you sitting in front of your computer, hitting refresh, coming up with your next stellar retort. What a fucking joke.

Take it easy Harry. He lives in Alaska, what else is he going to do, find another fat chick to bone.

Jul 14, 2007
That's YOU akphidelt. You are the douchebag in the bar that nobody likes and everybody wishes would just go away. How does it feel?

For some reason you seem to get off on that, maybe severe psychological problems, I don't know. Either way what a pathetic life it must be. "Oh I'm going to go argue with acebb at therx some more today." I can picture you sitting in front of your computer, hitting refresh, coming up with your next stellar retort. What a fucking joke.

Not like he is doing it alone though. He has multiple people to go back and forth with over nothing.

Going back and forth with him or insulting him seems to be very important to these people. They all take the internet way too seriously....

Your right though, RX isn't gonna can this shit. Like I said, a month ago there was a lot going on in sports and this place was dead.

New member
Mar 2, 2006
Not like he is doing it alone though. He has multiple people to go back and forth with over nothing.

Going back and forth with him or insulting him seems to be very important to these people. They all take the internet way too seriously....

Your right though, RX isn't gonna can this shit. Like I said, a month ago there was a lot going on in sports and this place was dead.

This is place has been dead for 2 years.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
It doesn't matter whether they live paycheck to paycheck or not (I have no idea what the % is as I didn't make the statement).

It doesn't matter because they will not boycott.

They would if the owners didn't vote Sterling out.

Jul 14, 2007
This is place has been dead for 2 years.

Some of that is because of offshore climate, but some of it it's own doing. Another thread for another time though I guess....

Two dudes arguing over what liquidiate means for 8 pages gotta be the nadir though. I can't even believed I read some of that.

Jul 14, 2007
Also reading back a few pages, DaFinich being all hostile towards ScottCarter for making a typo about billions and millions.

Get a life bro

New member
Oct 19, 2007
That's YOU akphidelt. You are the douchebag in the bar that nobody likes and everybody wishes would just go away. How does it feel?

For some reason you seem to get off on that, maybe severe psychological problems, I don't know. Either way what a pathetic life it must be. "Oh I'm going to go argue with acebb at therx some more today." I can picture you sitting in front of your computer, hitting refresh, coming up with your next stellar retort. What a fucking joke.

Dude, you have serious problems if this bothers you, lol. I was arguing point by point with people over the topic of this thread. Even bringing up NBA Constitution articles, videos on the topic, etc. Acebb specifically and some others tracked me down and started bringing up shit about me that has nothing to do with this thread. They do that all over the forum. Do I respond, yes. Do I care if they are here no. I would make an agreement with any of them to never respond to each others posts. They are obsessed psychos. I will argue the topic at hand but if someone is coming in saying shit to me I will respond to that also. I'm not trying to clutter up the Offshore forum. I'm using 2 threads, you have 48+ others to go through and you'll be fine.

You just need to chill.

Jul 14, 2007
Yeah but what if he wants to read on this subject, he just doesn't wanna read two grown men arguing and whining like little kids?

He is right people need to hold themselves to a higher standard or else board gonna go downhill.

In the words of the immortal Michael Ray Richardson

"The ship be sinking"

"How low can it sink?"

"Sky's the limit"
Jan 24, 2012
the NBA knew full well that sterling had been legally found guilty of discrimination on rental properties. but they wanted money, so they let him in. the NBA figured not many people knew that. but now that the cat is out of the bag, they act outraged and become hypocrites to save face with fans and players. they should have known by his past he was a loose cannon and something could happen. it is all about the new politically correct NBA. personally, i think refusing to rent property to certain people is a much more heinous deed than what was on those tapes. it's always about money and image, never real issues.

His discrimination suit was 2 decades after he bought the team. I've said before they knew he was a ticking time bomb and got what they deserved but let's at least deal in fact.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Yeah but what if he wants to read on this subject, he just doesn't wanna read two grown men arguing and whining like little kids?

He is right people need to hold themselves to a higher standard or else board gonna go downhill.

In the words of the immortal Michael Ray Richardson

"The ship be sinking"

"How low can it sink?"

"Sky's the limit"

Sometimes you can't always get what you want. I want dumb people to banned from this forum but that's not going to happen. Just gotta suck it up and move on. And attacking me instead of some crazy nutter like Acebb who was the one who started all this... is not going to help.

Oct 16, 2004
It isn't over-exaggerated. You know many guys had to borrow money.
It all depends who it is. If they were like Vince Young and bought a dozen homes for his closest fiends and relatives, then they are probably in immediate trouble. And of course how many baby mamas and posse members they have to support.

Nov 7, 2008
He would be hurt. Nobody said he's goin' broke....but how much of that endorsement $$$ is still there if he doesn't play? LBJ is only 1 player.....are we looking out for LBJ or the league????

All of it. He could easily play in the NFL.

Sep 22, 2007
Maybe I like to come to my favorite sports forum (the only one I frequent actually) and talk about the big stories in the world of sports, like the Sterling story. Maybe I like to hear some people's opinions on it without having to sort through 15 pages of acebb and akphidelt arguing about who is stupider and what is the meaning of the term liquidate.

It's not that it is inconvenient to pass over the thread, it's that we shouldn't HAVE to skip over anything for fear of running into a flame war worthy of an elementary school playground. It's that some of us enjoy this forum (or used to), and you idiots are ruining it. THAT is the problem, understand?

Boo hoo, cry me a river and then build a river to go across it. Joan of Arc did less whining at the stake. You don't HAVE to do shit, you don't like the thread, don't enter it, you don't like the posts of a couple of posters, then zip on by them. In the time it takes you to write 3 whining posts, you could've gone through the thread twice...
May 8, 2014
It is assanine to assume Lebron James could play in the NFL. That is an injury in pre-season waiting to happen. Those knees would be gone. 6'8" and you cant hit high anymore. Just arrange his ACL surgery now.

Sep 22, 2007
Also reading back a few pages, DaFinich being all hostile towards ScottCarter for making a typo about billions and millions.

Get a life bro

...said the schmuck who read said exchange. Worry about your cheating, sorry ass Patriots choking every year for a decade. Kiss my entire ass, "bro."

New member
Aug 24, 2013
That's YOU akphidelt. You are the douchebag in the bar that nobody likes and everybody wishes would just go away. How does it feel?

For some reason you seem to get off on that, maybe severe psychological problems, I don't know. Either way what a pathetic life it must be. "Oh I'm going to go argue with acebb at therx some more today." I can picture you sitting in front of your computer, hitting refresh, coming up with your next stellar retort. What a fucking joke.

While there is no doubt that Akphidelt's endless stream of aggressive ignorance combined with his nonstop ad-hominem attacks on basically everyone except his small little band of fellow travelers is extremely annoying (not to mention pitiful)...... I think in general it is just best for everyone here to ignore him. It is everyone engaging him that causes the problem. The whole point of his trolling is that he desperately needs attention...... and the people who give it to him are just playing into his childish nonsense. Perhaps if all of the adults agreed to ignore him he might go play somewhere else.

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