I've decided to leave this site. I can't stand the idiotic discussion anymore, it really rots the brain. And now the world's champion troll says to "Keep politics to a minimum, have respectful discussions. No personal attacks"
You can only throw up in your own mouth so much
Mango, Xfiles, Mobdeeper I will miss your voices of reason. Keep it real and don't get eaten up by the Nazis, Qanon freaks, White supremecists, TrumpHumpers, antimaskers, wackjobs, trolls, clowns, dweebs and morons on here, even though in reality it's only 5 different people
Goodbye and goodnight, it's been real
Unfortunately, you will eventually get what you want:
- open borders
- free mandatory government healthcare for all
- free college tuition for all, waive existing student debt
- amensty for all 22 (40?) million illegals, full citizenship and voting rights
- destruction of fossil fuel industry BEFORE we are ready for the alternatives
- wastefull, expensive regulations to say we will prevent global warming
- national police all under one organization with one agenda from THE PARTY
Socialism, let's face it.
Good luck with paying 50% federal taxes + 20% sales taxes if you are lower or middle class... more if you make more, and have fun with the increased crime and the lousy healthcare coverage.
The country's demographics are changing, getting less and less educated, frankly, dumber, so this will be the case.
This might happen after this November, if not, by 2024.
Best wishes...