Las Vegas vs Atlantic City.... Which is the best place to gamble and why?

With all due respect to everyone here, dining in AC is nonexistant. I dont want to come across like a snob, but anywhere with "bar and grill" in the name of their establishment ishighly unlikely to be regarded as fine dining. If I want bar and grill food, I can go one of the many Irish Bars in my neighborhood.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

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Sep 21, 2004
Mondo..couldn't agree more bout Tony's Baltimore grill. I love their ravioli and sausage. Other than that spot, I agree with sucks in general

New member
Aug 20, 2001
I go to AC twice a month.And i go to lv once every two years.
A.C. is better to gambler there because people are there to win and go home.On a weekend night most of the tables are a $50 to $100 min with a couple of $25 tables[but you have to wait for a loser to get up and I don't want that seat anyway]They do comp me everything up front.Food, rooms & shows.I am not a big table player.$50 to $150 per hand.
Lv is a place to bring the wife and kids play small and relax..
Your right about the food..It sucks!The best place to eat there is the hot dog van next to

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I never said anything about fine dining. It's a nice place to get good homemade Italian food.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
ive just turned 21 a few months ago and am bascially only playing bj for 10-25 a hand
so far ive seen total idots at my table
i had a guy doubling on a 12,13 and 14, staying on a,5 vs a 16 and then diybled actually doubled on 3,3 vs a 6
he ****ign doubled on a 6
than some fat bitch was making jokes hat only she was laughing at and was asking me why im so serious

anyway im just a college student so im not gonna try and impress anyone but is there anyway i can get free room and dos anyone recommend a specific casino to do this in b/c from what ive seen all of the odds are the same

New member
Sep 21, 2004
People have got to be kidding me here. We have an Atlantic City equivalent in the West, it is called Laughlin. Like AC the weather is nice for about 4-5 months out of the year and then it is terrible. There isn't a damn thing to do there but gamble. Room comps are easy to get and once you get on the mailing list you get about 10 offers a month minimum. The place is going downhill, little new going on around it, although the surrounding area is doing well with lots of new residents draw by affordable housing. So other than the sky high limits and the proximity to big cities, the two offer a fairly similar product. You go there to scratch your gambling itch and then you don't waste time getting home. Comparing AC to Vegas is silly, almost insulting. If you want a high roller atmosphere with high limits and mostly smart players go play at the Bellagio. However just try to find an open seat or machine on a Saturday night in AC, I wish you luck. In Vegas unless you are talking New Years or a few other select nights, you can always go somewhere that will have open machines and seats, reasonable limits, quality comps, and great things to do outside the gambling. I mean are you guys kidding me? Only reason AC is better is that for many people it doesn't involve a huge time commitment in getting to it, but honestly if you live closer to another casino I bet you probably go there. And while it still isn't as big a market as AC, within a 5 hour drive of Vegas there are close to 20 million people, not exactly small numbers.
Come on! AC is a Dump with a capital D and it pains me to say that. I agree with everyone that on the weekends it is impossible to sit at a blackjack table with less than a 25/hand minimum but please I've gotten to the point that it's just all out depressing to be anywhere other than inside the casinos anymore. The best food I have had there is the spread laid out at the Resorts in one of the big dining rooms anymore. JerseyMike LMAO at the Hot Dog Van crack that's sad but true. Try travelling down Atlantic Avenue anytime of week anytime of day or night (believe me you'd much rather do it during the day) and you'll see what I mean. They bring new meaning to the words "under construction" and "condemned".

Vegas is a lot cleaner than Ac and has a lot more to offer than AC does. I think you can get away with the "non-gambling" crowds in Vegas where in AC they would just get bored fast. I think you'll find a lot more sharp casino patrons in AC than in just don't want to hang around long after you win.


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