Lied, after this done.....Dinner and poker

mid 60's here all week so working outside....Got to love climate change getting warmer than colder but you can't control it and only here for the last post of the night!!!
I've said for yrs posting and why I started....I always thought it was to help beat the book and I have as much as anyone in 40 yrs.........I've said many of times know when to fade or know when to follow, not just me but anyone...........I'm very fadeable right now but I'm not fading myself.....I just adjust my bets and when I feel it's right, go bigger.....Most don't bet a lot because I see what lots of people bet.......Som bet huge but have stupid money, like say grand son of one of the biggest cola companies in the world, biggest.....I watched the book take very stupid money and yes if I could have got connected without book knowing to the guy....He would have paid very stupid money for winners but couldn't and prob wouldn't......Connections and loyalty is extremely important to me, its just who you know sometime.........
These 2 dudes or girls who I called out to come here......Bragging on how much money they made fading me this weekend and really, that's cool

post my record right till end of hoops, like climate it changes.......Sad part, I've never liked dancing in the end zone but players like Berry Sanders who handed the ball to the ref, not dancing like the 1st time......These 2 over there you can tell in 20 yrs if playing that long, they've never Won!!! Not many people have and they haven't beat the book yet.....Like a game, you play till the end and best score wins so quit dancing and act like you've won before......It's very telling and one bad stretch for me doesn't scare me at all..................I'm only disappointed in people like you 2 who trust media and government.......I don't care who you are and will tell anyone.......You're one dumb mother if you trust media and government!!!!!!! These 2 are as dumb as they come, especially cd.....All they have to do is say where I'm wrong but they just call names....I hate using dumb but does he see the people moving out of NY to hillbilly country.....I've got great friends in NY I'll do anything for but another year under dems and damn put a fence around the place!!! It was a movie like that I think but he probably thinks people south are moving north because it's to dang hot down here now

I'd say wake up and think for yourself.......I mean come on, you removed your governor for no reason to replace with a woman.......then, you hire the chocolate mayor worst than the one who had no idea what he was but wife ripped millions from you......The great new chocolate mayor who said all come

until they did but after complaining to Biden they come down with charges on the melting chocolate.....Now chocolate can't say anything but we need more of the taxpayers money

the chocolate mayor, his words not mine

cd guess you're chicken shit to show where I said sue but dems can never back what they say.......They just lie more because of people like cd they can!!!
Mad u came fading me

not at all I welcome......Just mad because you're old enough to not be such a brainwashed ignorant joke of a person......My plays will be posted by 6 so keep making money why you can

easy to tell those who never beat the book and doubt you do this time

Have a great night all but they can never produce fact and truth!!!! Forgot about nba game, Wanted to see if went over!!! Knock!