Kodiak- Another last place finsih


New member
Oct 20, 2002
Glife in a rare honest moment<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I hit a cold streak lost my confidence and started paying too much attention to what others had to say. Even then i could only take their losers. The only bets i won were small and i lost almost every large play. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Yeah i had a bad year in football two years ago...so you never had a bad year??? Say no and every real gambler will know what a lying sack of shit you are. I wasn't even posting on this board when that happened. That just proves i tell the truth what's your story.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
You tell the truth.
I call Bullshit

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Glife- I'm trying to help you by telling you it's time to fade Kody because he's in choke mode. Take a look at his plays today. If you would just shut up once in a while you wouldn't lose so much.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I'm not betting baseball this year doofus and never said i was. I don't fade people, i play my plays because i control my own destiny. I bet the first three days in baseball this year when i really wanted to get on the dogs early and i went 6-1 betting all dogs. I decided that i didn't have the time to dedicate to my capping with this being my busy part of the year with my business. I also don't crave the attention you do, so i really don't care to post my plays just so i can say look how great i am. If i have time i'll post plays if anyone is interested if they are not then so be it. As far as my capping goes all you have to go on is my month last year in baseball and i did quite well so if you say otherwise then your lying in which case you can go fvck yourself.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Man your so damn boring that your rubbing off on me. Reading the last 4 combined posts of me and you almost put me to sleep. If i had your personality i'd have to kill myself and since i love life i'm outta here.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by raiders72001:
translation- Glife can't beat bases so he isn't playing.

Good move.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You got that out of what i said, you are stupid. Your the same guy who invited me to post my bases plays in TFZ before the season. You have no documentation of what i have done in bases this year so you make up shit. I have not posted one single play this year. I haven't even given an opinion on a game. That is why your a tool and no one likes you.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Thanks- I wish more guys that had a limited knowledge of gambling would shut up. It would make it easier to shuffle through the BS to get to the guys with something to add. Now if we could get rid of MFG, Shack, Kodiak and their ghosts.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Only people on the list below will be able to post at TFZ. If you are looking to join you will have to get a member of TFZ to vouch for you and have him PM raiders72001.

The thing that makes TFZ different from the other forums is that we aren't looking for a lot of personal glory here. There's not a lot of bragging and ass kissing going on like you'll find in other forums. We throw book and capping info out for guys to use. Then it's up to you to decide what to use and what not to use. If you are short on time it's nice to have all the info here in one spot. There's a couple of books that have been in the biz a while with some cappers that have also been around the block that post on a consistent basis.

Looking for:
1. Line moves
2. Scalps
3. Middles
4. Opinionated lines
5. Nice props
6. Who's hot
7. Who's <hot>
8. Picks
9. Book info
10. Overnight bets
11. Half time bets

"gg" , altice, ATX, Big Lou, bigboydan, Birdman, Black&Gold, BIGJOE, Bozer, Braveheart, BrokeN, Cardfather, crapsn, cdary, chriscol, computerpicks, crazyfingers, Dante, Davedaburner, DickyW, dimeplayersonly, docdekay, dogball, don marco, drunkguy, escrow, Earlyspeed, ECWG, EveryGamblersDream, forumsucks, G. Money, gamblingislife, Halifax, hansen bros., HBKSHAWN, homedog, hondaman, Hook, hustler982 ,Insomniac, Intruder, J2, JackDee, Jazz, Jesus, joeybagadonuts, jwunderdog, KMAN, Keith, lander, Learnin' 2 B Sharp, Luke Loman, ls037, madcapper, MoDigitz, MPriorCanKU, MyFootballGame, mjred, neilm, nysports, Oddessa, OldmanTed, outandup , Patrick McIrish, Peep, pigpen, playasap.com, plasmaman, ppeter, raiders72001, rawpimple, Revere14, richkotite, Santini, SEAURCHIN, silverfox, sixth sense, skyweasel, slab, Slim, smartmoney, Space, Spidermonkey, SSI, Steeler Fan, stevo, stx, Tampa, TeddyKGB, Tekari, The Rooster, Therecordkeeper2, top dawg, tryingtofade, TTinco, Uncle B, VegasVic, VG789, vodkaman, voodoo, wilheim, Winkyduck, Zapster.

This thread will be moderated tightly and any flaming will result in one warning and then a banning. We do encourage differing opinions on games but not arguments. No touts are allowed here. We are here to share free info. Please respect the forum and GL with your plays.

How did i get on there? Doesn't make alot of sense. Is it because when i did post plays in bases last year, i kicked ass...yup.

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Fvck you Glife. I didnt stiff Kodiak for shit. Do you really believe what a guy like Kodiak says? if so, youre dumber than I thought.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Joey- How do you know when Glife, Kodiak,Mfg or Shack are lying?

Their mouths are moving

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Joeythestiff and Raiderscam posting back to back. Joey i don't think your Raiders but i do think you walk around with your head planted firmly up his ass, so whats the difference. As for stiffing Kody, it wouldn't surprise me in the least. You seem like a 20 year old punk who doesn't know how to do anything but cut, copy and paste Raiders idiot posts.

As for you Raiders...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Man your the most boring poster ever. Go bury your head in some dirt pour some water over the dirt and grow a sense of humor. If i were you and i thank god every night i'm not. I wouldn't accuse others of lying, you've told so many lies on here that your wooden nose has already circled the earth and poked you in the ass.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Glife- Show me a lie a posted. Just today you posted that I ghost as Joey and someone else. Now who's the liar?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Here's one of many you've told about me. You said you tracked my plays when you actually took my plays from the RIO contest and lead everyone to believe i was posting these plays and telling people to bet them. You also said tonight i have ghost posted. Where is your proof? I don't need to ghost post about you because i can make you look stupid by myself, believe me it isn't that hard. Now go hit the streets Joey says he's got a 5 spot for you.

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
I speak my own mind, guy. You're the one that seems to follow around MFG. I never really had a problem with you, but you seem like a prick. Ah well. If you want to talk to shit to a liar, scammer and record padder, check out Co-Capt. As someone posted on OGD one day, "fighting on the internet is akin to competing in the special olympics, even if you win, youre still a fvckin retard"

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Following MFG, where is he i haven't seen him post tonight. But here you come posting behind Raiders. As for Co-Captain, i don't feel any kind of need to dog pile anyone. I'm not his friend and i don't defend him. He's just a guy who'll have to defend himself. Your problem is your mob mentality, you find an easy target get a few posters and gang up them. Must make you feel better about yourself at night, huh. I march to the beat of my own drum, i don't need you, Raiders or MFG to tell me what to think. If someone rubs me wrong or says something about me, i fight back. I don't need anyone on here to like me by taking the popular stance, if you or anyone else don't like it well that's just too damn bad. I don't give a flying fvck. Have a nice day.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gamblingislife:
I see your still a lying pile of shit. Who are my ghost? Go ahead jerkass ask the Mods who my ghost are. I know who yours are. How about Hondaman and Joeybagacrap. So you've scammed two people...Shack and Kodiak.
Who have i scammed??????????
Thats right assclown no one.

In your opinion why is my creability zero because i have the balls to call you what you are. You have two sides, the first side is, if you want to be someones friend you suck their dick. And if someone such as myself doesn't want to be your friend because your a phoney. You try and trash their name. I know one thing i don't do is suck up to people on these boards but you...hahaha. When i was in the army we called people like you cheese eaters, figure it out dumbass.

By the way at the RX bash you were the biggest joke going and everyone there wanted to see Shack kick your ass. You have no real friends on these boards like you think. Don't worry tacoman it's okay if you need real friends off these boards you'd have to be pretty pathetic. Oh, i'm sorry i forgot the only friend you have in real life is grandma. And how much of a friend could she really be making you live in her basement because shes ashamed to be related to such a loser but can anyone really blame her.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Raiders - You are a joke. A clown. And a compulsive liar.

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