Kings win Big!!!!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Wilheim :please Read This

Below is in reference to my original post in the NBA forum , that you WRONGLY moved to the RUBBERROOM!

Wilheim, What Pissing Match !! Do you EVEN no me at all? I have been posting here for the last 4 years, in that time I have tracked many of the best cappers in here! I have tracked posters in ALL sports and gave that information out , records updated EVERYDAY, just ask around , Im very well known here for my work helping people follow certain posters on the forum. I have spent an enormus amount of time in the past trying to help the readers of this forum with insite on who are the best cappers , and in what sports, I have tracked plays in football, baseball, and basketball, for 2 seasons straight NONSTOP!!(just do a little homework and check the archives), NEVER EVER once did I bash a poster for his selection!!! NEVER!!!
I resent your statement:"In the meantime pissing match threads like these are not what we want in our sport forums"
You know NOTHING about me, or what Im about!Ask many of the veterans in this forum how much dedication I put into this place to help others!
I am NOT BASHING or PISSING on anyone, NEVER have , NEVER will! Its great that posters share their selections, its helpful to everyone!! HOWEVER , whats NOT helpful is when you have MORONS using words like "LOCK","GOY","CANT LOSE","BET THE HOUSE", and "EASY WINNER"!!
These statements can be extremely damaging to the NOVICE bettor who reads this forum,and if you don't understand what I'm talking about, then you need to take a couple of minutes to sit and think about what some of these posts are saying!
So to sit and say I'm PISSING or BASHING anyone is extrremely ASSININE on your part!!
Thank YOU

New member
Jul 20, 2002
What Pissing Match !!

The following:

lol....homer play.:puppy:

More like $2k down the :dogtoilet

If you forgot....the Queens are 11-22 on the road.

\and if ur gonna bring in the Artest factor.....they're still a pissfull 5-9 on the road.

Another guaranteed victory!I`m so happy I have the Lakers.

Yawn,better luck with your next guarantee dude.I need sleep.And if by chance the Kings come back,please just disregard this post.:puppy:

Put down the bong golferman.

:trx-smly0 No more guarantees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The move to the Rubber Room had nothing to do with your post. Get over yourself.

wilheim.<!-- / message -->
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New member
Jul 20, 2002
Do you EVEN no me at all?

No - should I, are you a special poster here?

I have been posting here for the last 4 years, in that time I have tracked many of the best cappers in here! I have tracked posters in ALL sports and gave that information out , records updated EVERYDAY, just ask around , Im very well known here for my work helping people follow certain posters on the forum.

Good for you - The Rx. appreciates any posters that help others.

have spent an enormus amount of time in the past trying to help the readers of this forum with insite on who are the best cappers , and in what sports, I have tracked plays in football, baseball, and basketball, for 2 seasons straight NONSTOP!!(just do a little homework and check the archives), NEVER EVER once did I bash a poster for his selection!!! NEVER!!!

Who said you bashed anyone. Again your post was not why the thread was moved. I recived several complaints from regular NBA forum posters. We are tying to clean these kind of threads out of the sport forums.

I resent your statement:"In the meantime pissing match threads like these are not what we want in our sport forums"

I repeat - The Rx. does not condone bashing in our sport forums- I will post our forum rules so you can get up to date:

The has grown over the last year and we would like to thank everyone for being a part of our growing community.

In order to keep the forums running well and to prevent problems, please follow these simple rules for the forums here.


The Rx has grown tremendoulsy over the last year and we would like to thank everyone for being a part of that growth.

In order to keep the forums running well and to prevent problems, please follow these simple rules.


1. Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or very short) nonsensecal posts, or the like. Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed..

2. Debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or meaningless bashing.
Posts that violate standards will me moved to The Rubber Room.

3.The Rx will be the sole arbitrator of what does and what does not violate forum standards..

4. Spamming and trolling is not allowed.

5. constructive dialogue about competitor's websites is permitted The Rx. does not tolerate advertisements of other
competitive websites or links to any of those sites..

6. The reserves the right to remove/move offensive posts without notice.

7. The also reserves the right to place on post review or ban anyone who willfully violates the forum rules..

8. Posting email addresses is not allowed.

Anyone wanting to contact another poster by email please contact me at
Include your own exact user name and the exact user name of the poster you want to contact.
I will forward messages but not give out email addresses of posters who have not previously OKd' it by email.

You know NOTHING about me, or what Im about!Ask many of the veterans in this forum how much dedication I put into this place to help others!

You said that already -- congratulations.

I am NOT BASHING or PISSING on anyone, NEVER have , NEVER will! Its great that posters share their selections, its helpful to everyone!! HOWEVER , whats NOT helpful is when you have MORONS using words like "LOCK","GOY","CANT LOSE","BET THE HOUSE", and "EASY WINNER"!!

You like to use words like morons and idiots but personally I feel you would be better served staying positive.

These statements can be extremely damaging to the NOVICE bettor who reads this forum,and if you don't understand what I'm talking about, then you need to take a couple of minutes to sit and think about what some of these posts are saying!

Appreciate the feedback. I have worked very hard to clean up our sport forums.

So to sit and say I'm PISSING or BASHING anyone is extrremely ASSININE on your part!!

Again just because you made a single post in this thread before it was moved does not mean it was moved because of that post.

Thank you, wilheim.
Last edited:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
WILHEIM , I not stupid and neither are you , We both know very well why this thread was moved!
Yes , I consider it VERY VERY damaging when a poster uses words like "LOCK", CANT LOSE", "GOY","BET THE HOUSE", and "EAST WINNER". when there are novice bettorson here looking for plays and opinions.
Theres a BIG difference in giving your opinion and GUARANTEED PICKS!!
I respectfully DO disagree with you , this thread should NOT have been moved to the Rubberroom!! Why move it? Because someone was dumb enough to make an idiotic statement about the outcome of a game , so now that he loses , he cannot be criticized!! WHY PUT YOURSELF IN THE SPOTLIGHT WITH DUMB STATEMENTS IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO LET THE OTHER POSTERS (WHO MAY HAVE LOST LOTS OF MONEY BECAUSE OF YOUR GUARANTEED WINNER), RESPOND TO YOUR POST!
If anything, maybe you should think about MOVING the initial post (which promises Guaranteed winners by using words like "LOCK","GOY","CANT LOSE","BET THE HOUSE", and "EASY WINNER")!!
These are the kinds of posts that DO the most damage to this forum.
What do you expect people to do (especially those who heeded the words of the poster!!)
Just PLEASE think about it , if your NOT going to move the initial post, then certainly don't MOVE the responses!
Thank You
PS- Yes,you SHOULD know my contributions to this forum!

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I not stupid and neither are you , We both know very well why this thread was moved!

I know why I moved the thread and would do the same again. Whatever your version is I can only guess. To be honest I am beginning to resent your sanctimonious attitude on these boards.

Yes , I consider it VERY VERY damaging when a poster uses words like "LOCK", CANT LOSE", "GOY","BET THE HOUSE", and "EAST WINNER". when there are novice bettorson here looking for plays and opinions.

You are just another in a long list of posters that are to concerned about what others post and not the quality of your own posting. People are going to use terms like lock or can't lose when talking about selecting winners. I suggest you find another way to spend your time if it upsets you.

Theres a BIG difference in giving your opinion and GUARANTEED PICKS!!

Sure there is - but is it my job to censor posters that want to use terms like guaranteed? As soon as people like yourself see something you don't like you want censorship. Sorry it is not going to happen.

respectfully DO disagree with you , this thread should NOT have been moved to the Rubberroom!! Why move it?

That's your perroagative to disagree. I felt the thread should be moved especially after the second "report'"by email I recieved.

Because someone was dumb enough to make an idiotic statement about the outcome of a game , so now that he loses , he cannot be criticized!! WHY PUT YOURSELF IN THE SPOTLIGHT WITH DUMB STATEMENTS IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO LET THE OTHER POSTERS (WHO MAY HAVE LOST LOTS OF MONEY BECAUSE OF YOUR GUARANTEED WINNER), RESPOND TO YOUR POST!

Constructive criticsm is fine but bashing will not be tolerated.

If anything, maybe you should think about MOVING the initial post (which promises Guaranteed winners by using words like "LOCK","GOY","CANT LOSE","BET THE HOUSE", and "EASY WINNER")!!

Once again - those kind of brash claims go with the territory. Sorry they upset you.

These are the kinds of posts that DO the most damage to this forum.

Give posters some credit they are not to use your phrase "idiots or morons".. Most understand these kinds of posts. They have been a part of sports gambling forums from day one. I am not going to start a mod "witchhunt" and start editing every time someone uses the term lock.

What do you expect people to do (especially those who heeded the words of the poster!!)

Every one knows that any kind of following of others is a caveat emptor situation. Cappers win and lose no matter what terminology they use. I expect you want to see a perfect world type forum where everyone posts to your standards.. Sorry that won't happen.

Just PLEASE think about it ,

I think about this issue everyday.

if your NOT going to move the initial post, then certainly don't MOVE the responses!
Thank You

I moved the thread after I recieved complaints. I cannot read every post here at The Rx. I depend greatly on posters to report bashing and then take action if necessary.

Yes,you SHOULD know my contributions to this forum!<!-- / message -->

To be honest, I don't follow any of your posting - sorry.

My advice to you is to take a long break from the Rx. - come back when you are not so uptight. The thread was moved - it was NOT because of anything you did.


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