You were spot on. Regardless both horrible losses on the overs. I thought my 142 was a lock with over two min left.
Yup, only needed any 2 baskets with over 2 mins left for the push and then any point to win.. Then there was the 1st half.. Brutal.
Sky off to a nice start and we got Phoenix at home later with line value, so could still be a nice night. GL.
Edit: Okay, maybe forget the line value.. I got -5.5 and watched it go as high as -6.5 but it's back down to -5 on 5dimes and Pinnacle.. Just got -2.5 1st half, though.
Sky up double digits at half, though.
Kidman. Great night. Thank you much...I actually said to Vark today how I Thought wash was a good play since the last couple times Chi has been favored at home they lost outright. Glad I waited for your opinion....tx again for help on a sport I have no clue about but is fun to play. :toast: