Kidkash personal challenge


New member
Oct 24, 2005
SkinsRaj28 said:
Just letting a disillusioned poster know what's up, that's all. Let me know when I post an inaccurate statement.

Dub, I agree, I think there's a core of posters here who'd "have each others' back." But the vast majority simply do not give a fuck. Probably a max of five posters on here whose absence would be noteworthy; ACE-ACE is the only one who comes to mind right now, but I'm sure there are a few others. Not the other 99% though.

But yeah, you're right...I crave attention. Every post I make on here can attest to that. Shit, maybe if I start making 10 unit plays, I'll get some! Or better yet, announce my presence at the RX and then drop 25 units in a few weeks. Apparently that's working for you, KidKash. I'll get my pen and paper out and start taking notes.

dr03, you still upset cuz I had to block you on AIM cuz you wouldn't stop harassing me? Or is it the whole losing $500 on a capping contest where the opponent didn't finish in black? Oh wait, that contest isn't TECHNICALLY over, nevermind. My mistake.

Not trying to get in a flame war with people...but again, let me know when I post something inaccurate in this thread.

My fault, this is more attention-whoring on my part. I should just create my own thread next time...maybe a personal challenge to myself? See, I'm learning. Yay!

You're the man. My point has been made. I'm done. Time to go jerk off. Have a good night.

Oh, and thanks for the kind words whale, I appreciate it...and I agree, there are some highly entertaining, great posters on the RX. But 99% of them wouldn't be missed by the majority.

YOU were the one who IMed me first. I quickly grew tired of you telling me how to run the contest and blocked you right after.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
there is a contest here b/w two peolpe that are each losing?

New member
Oct 21, 2004
dr03 said:
skins says nobody pays attention, yet is the first one to respond. classic.
he didn't say no one paid attention, he said no one gave a fuck if he posted or not.

if most of us were to leave the site and not post again, most people would not care. now do u understand?

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
dsethi said:
he didn't say no one paid attention, he said no one gave a fuck if he posted or not.

if most of us were to leave the site and not post again, most people would not care. now do u understand?

i would care if you left tho


to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
dsethi said:

dont tease me dsethi

The very first time that I saw your brown eyes
Your lips said "hello" and I said hi
I knew right then you were the one
But I was caught up in physical attraction
But to my satisfaction
Baby you were more than just a face

And if I ever fall in love again
I will be sure that the lady is a friend
and if I ever fall in love so true
I will be sure that the lady's just like you

Ooooh yeah.... the very next time she'll be my friend

If I say that I could be your one and only
Promise, that you'll never leave me lonely
I just wanna be the one you need
Oh Baby
I just wanna be the one to serve you
Sometimes I feel as if I don't deserve you
I cherish every moment that we share

And if I ever fall in love again
I will be sure that the lady is a friend
and if I ever fall in love so true
I will be sure that the lady's just like you

hey baby i made a promise, the next time I fell in love,
my love would also be my friend..
somebody who'll be there for me through thick and thin...
to love me, to hold me, comfort me.
Somebody who would be there with me all through the night.
(somebody just like you)

My friend, the very next time she will be my friend
someone who I can believe in
My friend, the very next time she will be my friend

My friend, the very next time she will be my friend
someone who I can believe in
The very next time she will be my friend

And if I ever fall in love again
I will be sure that the lady is a friend
and if I ever fall in love so true
I will be sure that the lady's just like you
Jan 19, 2006
I love that song Mofome. That is in my top 3 R&B Songs of all time.

Now about this subj, I would be upset if many of you rx'ers were
not posting here anymore. Keyword MANY Not all.

Skins if you left therx would not be the same. You are a little
hard on some people sometimes but all in all you seem like a
nice indian fella. If you were to leave, I think about 50 posters
and a countless amount of lurkers would miss your departure.

But anyone who has less than 500 posts should not expect to
be missed.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
holy shit....they arent just down, they're getting killed. and to think, one will collect..

gyno, good taste my friend.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
SkinsRaj28 said:
Not trying to be brutal...but lets be realistic here. 99% of the posters here don't give a fuck if 99% of the other posters post here, and vice versa. Can't be naive about, you, KidKash, almost all of us are insignificant to most everyone else. Just a fact.

Skins, you are the only poster at RX (excluding myself) that I care whether or not continues to post.


Rx. Poster
Jun 12, 2006
I will post for Skins if he decides to leave. Just take the Nationals every game for the rest of the season.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
KidKash, why would I wager on your plays this week? You haven't posted enough plays for anyone to know if you're either a good capper or a good fade, and that's precisely the reason why no one cares whether or not you post your plays at this juncture. That was my original point. So no, I won't be wagering on your plays. Post more often and we'll all get a better idea of how good or bad you are, whether or not to wager with you, against you, or not at all.

I also didn't understand your last post. Please rephrase.

dr03, that's laughable...but seeing as how this is the internet, we can go back and forth with this he said-she said crap all day long. I'll just say that the (no less than) three other posters who were forced to block you on AIM, not to mention another poster who IMed me who, unfortunately, I was forced to make go through an email verification process(because I thought it was you IMing me from a different screen name shortly after I blocked you to put an end to the harassment) would probably side with me on this one. But ok, you can claim that I was the one to IM you first and that you blocked me, I don't mind. I'm not insecure enough to have to make things up on an online forum to try to save face. You claim that I care a lot about posting...but for someone who apparently doesn't, you're certainly willing to go to great lengths to protect your reputation on here. I, on the other hand, do not care. My reputation, good or (more likely) bad, is what it is. I don't care.

But yeah, we can agree to disagree about what know what really happened and have to live with it, so that's all that really matters. See ya.

Gyno, I agree with you that the people here who post on a regular basis would surely miss posters if they were to stop...I certainly would miss a bunch of posters who I've conversed with on a regular basis on here...but we don't make up the majority of the visitors of this site. I'd say there are probably about 100-200 members who post on a regular basis, but there are A LOT more who visit this site. And those people wouldn't notice if most of us were to stop posting. Within those 100-200, many of those would notice and possibly care if another within the group stopped posting. But for the hundreds, if not thousands, that don't fall within that group, they simply wouldn't notice or care. That was my point.

Rx. Poster
Jun 12, 2006

As i said before my personal challenge wasnt a "kiss my ass and play what I play or im gonna leave the RX for ever threat" I know this forum would go on with me or without me and I also know there are many cappers here that put me to shame. This personal challenge is for me to try to prove myself after making the foolish 10 unit plays. So I dont expect to be the most respected person on here nor do i expect people to tail me, just a challenge to myself.

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