96-82 54% +399 using JOH’s figures.............+899 using mine
952 Pitt –140......................................700/500
Cinn/Pitt OVER 7 –125.......................625/500
953 Cards –110..................................550/500
955 Mia RL + 1 1/2 –135.....................675/500
957 Az +105.........................................500/525
Az/Cubs OVER 8 1/2 –120...................600/500
AZ RL + 1 1/2 –200...............................1000/500
959 SD/Milw UNDER 8 –115................575/500
963 Phila EVEN.....................................500/500
963 Phil RL + 1 1/2 –225.......................1125/500
968 Det –195/974 Seat –250 Parlay 1=110...........500/550
972 Oak ML EVEN.................................500/500
OAK RL + 1 1/2 –170..............................850/500
Oak OVER 6 1/2 +105............................500/525
975 Ang/Wash OVER 8 +105.................500/525
Ok, so this is going to be a pissing contest? I documented totally how I got my figure... explain to me how you got yours. Don't just throw out a number without backing it up. If it goes back to the suspended game, show me what book honors that wager... otherwise you need to point out where you disagree. Oh and BTW, there's a rule about using large font. Please don't.
952 Pitt –140......................................700/500
Cinn/Pitt OVER 7 –125.......................625/500
953 Cards –110..................................550/500
955 Mia RL + 1 1/2 –135.....................675/500
957 Az +105.........................................500/525
Az/Cubs OVER 8 1/2 –120...................600/500
AZ RL + 1 1/2 –200...............................1000/500
959 SD/Milw UNDER 8 –115................575/500
963 Phila EVEN.....................................500/500
963 Phil RL + 1 1/2 –225.......................1125/500
968 Det –195/974 Seat –250 Parlay 1=110...........500/550
972 Oak ML EVEN.................................500/500
OAK RL + 1 1/2 –170..............................850/500
Oak OVER 6 1/2 +105............................500/525
975 Ang/Wash OVER 8 +105.................500/525
Ok, so this is going to be a pissing contest? I documented totally how I got my figure... explain to me how you got yours. Don't just throw out a number without backing it up. If it goes back to the suspended game, show me what book honors that wager... otherwise you need to point out where you disagree. Oh and BTW, there's a rule about using large font. Please don't.
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