I posted in one of their threads? Must been old one. Lol
I'm astonished by the of the lack of self respect and discipline
I'm going to have to waste time tallying up all the transgressions
Shame on y'all, have some pride
Do you like rodents running around your kitchens?
I don't have it backwards, I want people to stop taking their clickbait
Avoid their threads like the black plague
It's rather easy once you realize it pisses them off more to ignore them than to interact with them
Gonna be tons of violations if this thing is seen all the way through. People love the back and forth.
Rushmania standing strong. I got 25 inch pythons brother!
StevieRay and JavyBaez are destroying this effort all by themselves, shame shame shame
Maybe it's a "two name" thing
Both of you guys just send $ 100 to your local Public Safety charity for the month of July, I can't even count all your violations
I honestly think some of these guys are so desperate to respond to these trolls that they would create a ghost themselves just to keep it going under a different name. The lack of self control is just amazing.
i love StevieRay.