Blood bath. Ugly. Now 31-32 but still +595. But I don't say start fading yet. As per usual, I went againt what made me hot...and that was going for value. At some point during hot streaks, I always get cocky and start to think I know better than Vegas. And instead of picking value, I fall for some square picks. But now that I am older, I recognize this. I will scratch my "I am smarter than Vegas plays" and go back to value plays---especially the ones that don't look like they have a chance. It is my experience that those are the ones that keep the hotstreaks in the black!
So sorry for a crappy sunday. And I vow to be more disciplined (doesn't mean less plays--I am a degenerate, but does mean "smarter plays!") Meanwhile, you can follow kevy or jbs39 or harson21 and make money and follow me and watch a trainwreck or a helluva roller coaster ride!
good luck!