Job creation index. Lmao. These guys are just making stuff up.
Im starting to feel sorry for trump....guy just can't get a W......always losing.
You just never stop pathological lying do you? Maybe if you repeat your lies enough they will magically come true?
What's a matter, did you get banned from that other site you were trying to troll at? ROFL.
pipelines back in play...more companies coming back for jobs..takes time for the jobs to actually get here, but they're coming back... slashing alot of Obamas regulations... Gorsuch... new attitude in the country...a new imigration order on its way, despite some fools thinking its not going to happen.. Isis getting weaker by the moment... iillegals crossing the border way down... if some don't see these as wins, we can't help them.. Nancy and Chuck sitting back as the losers they are..
Donald is winning an awful lot,i am not tired of it yet either,keep going Donald,your doing well
Im not banned anywhere. What lie did I tell?
you still refuse to address your lie " I put RR in bet", you didn't. Liar.
You lasted longer than ususal without trolling me but eventually you always come back to your master.
just hang on a few years V,Pocahontas is going to be the next Prez,you will be one happy campy,and yes,it is going to happen
Lying acebb lmao. He bumps Vitterd threads every single day with quotes from 5 years ago that have nothing to do with anything. You two are so much alike.....lying and angry all the time. What a horrible way to live.
"We"....who are you speaking for? Nobody likes you here and you try to be liked. How sad is that?
you tried but you couldn't stop "you lie so much I'm starting to think you're ghost of Vitterd".....that was you just having to talk about me.
Youre all upset because I caught you lying and bumped the thread. Hysterical to watch you run from it
Actually AceBB has been posting quotes from you, all from the last month or two. Nice try at another lie. But like I've always said,
as long as you keep pathologically lying, I will keep calling you out on it.
You're a total fraud, and everyone in here knows it. You are the laughingstock of the forum. Deep down you know it's true.
No he hasn't....the lunatic stalker strings together quotes from years apart. You are not smart at all.