Youre an idiot. Lmfao all it took for you to flip shit and go POSTAL was me disagreeing with a poster about you being some fight genius.
You went POSTAL over that you fucking imbecile. You have no say dawg. None. You can’t act like you did in that Canelo GGG thread and then say what you are saying. You went ape shit over me just saying you aren’t a fight genius. That’s all it fucking took with you.
If I had petition threads made about me I can promise you I would never let it go. Whoever made a thread like that about me...2 years...8 years...22 years later I still would treat you like shit.
You think me making fun of you for 2 weeks is the equivalent to Greenbacks talking to himself, making stuff up about posters, being racist, acting crazy, going off on mods, starting shit with posters in the OS?
It isn't man....Why can't you just admit this dude was a lunatic? Yeah, you hate me, JC and Chop. I get it. There are posters on this site I can't stand too, so? They aren't fucked in the head and threatening peoples families and doing all this other crazy shit. The guy is gonna be in a straight jacket.
He's the lunatic we're lookin for...