Lets see PO69?
So far this year, you have bitched about the pager, that you probably already got....
You were worried to death about how you would get the money from the Rx for the teaser contest, and bothered us to no end...
You have complained at another site, worrying that other players (that had nothing to do with you) met their stipulations to get prizes, when you werent even in the running...
You have complained in several other contests, as to rules, deadlines, etc...
You have complained in a contest about how the F****** team's name was SPELLED......
Do we see a pattern here?
As you have been told before, PLEASE FEEL FREE to not enter anymore contests here......since u feel we dont give out the prizes, we arent smart enough to run them, we cheat, etc......Please dont put yourself through this, its not worth it....A rich doctor like you shouldnt have to put up with imcompetents like us......Its really not fair to you........
Now, this goes to the rubber room.....