:nohead::nohead:1-0 on the night thanks to Deano! This is no lie, my bookie takes my bets and calls them into someone else so he can jump on them too LOL.
Let's keep this shit rollin :cripwalk:
I emailed him and asked him if he is counting this as a system loss and he said 3 losses dont equal a system loss but he is considerding ending this session for college and counting it as a loss because people were emailing him telling him they went to big! lol go figure. So I dont know what he's going to do but he might just count it as a loss and start fresh
I really hope he doesn't do that because a few people decided to ignore the advice and instructions in plain view on his site.
If you don't want to manage units and follow the system, you should just bet his picks using the star ratings on how heavy to go.
If 3 losses wasn't a system loss early in the year, it shouldn't be one now.
Thats what I told him in my response but havn't got nothing back yet. I just think he's frusterated because of all the emails he's getting about these dumb as dudes wagering big.