Let's see here, festeringZit claims, that our resident expert on racism, Enfuego, says this is not what Willie meant. I guess that is case closed because Enfuego obviously is someone I would listen to about what is racist. But Willie is now calling me a liar and scum. What am I lying about Willie?
Here is his quote word for word. If you want the link to where he said this so you know I'm not changing anything, let me know.
Did you know?
Romney actually won the working class vote (read non inner-city) by the same majority Reagan did, 20 points.
there was just a larger working class vote in 1980, 88% vs 72%, thus Ronnie won in a blow out
poor Jimmy, must be thinking "timing" is everything
For those of you who don't follow politics it might seem like a normal statement. However, for those that do like Willie and I... the 88% number is not the working class vote, it is the % of whites who voted in 1980. 72% is not the working class vote, it is the % of whites who voted in 2012. Some might try to claim Willie just misunderstood, but that's not the case at all. He knew exactly what he was implying. Especially after all his threads blaming minorities for his election predictions gone awry. He simply let his racism slip. Now I'm the bad guy? Man up Willie, explain to us all if this is a mistake or how you really feel?