But want to sniff strange men's crotches and troll stranger's picks/records but REFUSE TO post their own plays (These trolls don't bet, folks)....(Firemanjoe, Monte97, cubsfn4ever, Johnnyvegas, all the other troll aliases these clowns have, etc)
You trolls Need to MAN UP and post YOUR own plays here...OR Shut the fuck up and Mind your own fuckin business, fraud ass trolls..we all can tell your tout business is slow, no one will pay you for your losers so you troll others who get views because they win consistently.
I see Newhope repeats himself ranting like a senile person about W-L records of other's....I heard Newhope was a tout or former tout?
Makes sense...who else gives a crap about a stranger's units and what they post? It's all starting to add-up as to who the trolls are around here and who the multiple aliases are that keep popping up and who the groupie Cuckolds of these touts are like (Monte, johnnyvegas, cubsfn, etc)...
Follow, fade or move on...it's that simple...the day we are paid to post here, is the day the rest of us might listen to your BS.... Only the mods, Greenbacks, and a few thread bumpers are paid from what everyone knows....