so the savings collapsed from 25% to 5% in his 1.5 years, how about American consumer debt? Q4 2021 was the largest quarterly increase in 15 years and it is now at a record-breaking $16T. So two straight-out lies and of course the financially comfortable line is a joke since anyone with a 401k lost 20% of it in 2022 alone
Charted: U.S. Consumer Debt Approaches $16 Trillion
Robust growth in mortgages has pushed U.S. consumer debt to nearly $16 trillion. Click to gain further insight into the situation.
Charted: U.S. Consumer Debt Approaches $16 Trillion
According to the Federal Reserve (Fed), U.S. consumer debt is approaching a record-breaking
$16 trillion. Critically, the rate of increase in consumer debt for the fourth quarter of 2021 was also the highest seen since 2007.