In the long run with me... you are better off playing them straight. If you parlay too much (like me) you end up losing. Rarely can I finish a 3 teamer... 2 teamers maybe 50/50 but man I'm probably 2 for 8 in the last few 3 teamers--ALWAYS LOSING ONE.
Each day I play I shoot for at least 50%... If I have 3+ games you can bank on me going 2-1 almost every time. But don't ever put too much confidence that I'll sweep day in and day out cuz I haven't done that for years lol. I'd be lucky to sweet 3 games now but I can assure you going 2-1 is never out of the question on a 3 game day. Sometimes I'll let you guys know if I feel like a "FIRE" day which I've predicted twice and I went like 6-1 and then 4-0 on another. But I've predicted it wrong once and went 3-3 or something, 50% i know that much.
When I feel the fire, it's basically all my plays were potential LARGE PLAYS but I would never bet 5 games LARGE in a single day so instead I bet them all for medium or parlay them in 2 or 3 diff parlays.