Since Kris Barr is obviously lying and continues to lie... I guess asking him to post a pic of the 1099 he got from the contest is pointless.
Cause I'm sure all we will get is more lies and excuses, cause that's all he really has.
When just showing the 1099 would end the argument.
So I predict these things will happen:
1. He will ignore this post and act like it doesn't exist
2. He will lie and make up some excuse
3. He will insult and ignore the post
4. He will blame his reason for not posting on us calling him out
5. No 1099 will ever be produced
But what else would you expect from a liar who would throw another mans career under the bus with lies and fraud, just so he could scam people out of a few dollars. I guess that alias name "backstabber" would fit him perfectly
trends u know a these idiots r the same , not sure why even carrying on with these scums